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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 12-29-2007, 08:55 PM
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8gb sdhc isnt all i thought it would be......

Greetings people smarter then I...... My name is Daniel and Im having problems with my mini sd card. I was given an 8gb micro sd card made by san disk.. its the 3 in one thing were they give you an sd adapter as well as a mini sd adapter... I am using the community release WM6 and it works beautifully for me... However... after about two days of use video playback in TCMPM will degrade significantly and I will start to experience alot of skipping... sometimes when trying to play music from my sd card it will even freeze up the phone... if i pop out the card when its frozen my phone will immediatley become functional again.. if i dont pop out the card and wait a good amount of time it will tell me that the card is unformatted and needs to be formatted.. but i know this is not the case because all i have to do is hard reset the phone and the card will once again be read from just fine... and video playback in TCPMP will also be flawless..... Im not exactly dying here.. since hard resets take only seconds.. as well as restoring my contacts with PIM restore.. but its somewhat saddening that my 8gb is causing problems... it was bought from the verizon store and is a Class 4 so its supposed to be good... umm... Does anyone have any questions for me? Or does anyone have any ideas on what is causing the video playback smoothness to slowly degrade over time....

Last edited by sent17inel; 12-29-2007 at 08:57 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 12-31-2007, 11:31 AM
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I recently upgraded to a similar setup - its a 6GB SHDC sandisk micro in a mini adapter. I'm on the WM6 Helmi_WM6_Apache_Kitchen_071108_1 release. I have been experiencing freeze ups. Just last night I installed a driver from a file named sdhc.777.cab.zip but this morning I'm locking up again. I will have to revert back to my 2GB minisd to confirm that sdhc is causing the problem. I have nothing running off the card, I've taken care to make sure that anything like attachments, today screen, activesync conduits are running on main storage. There is another sdhc driver I downloaded from Verizonguy called sdhc support.cab. I'm going to try that one today. For all I know it could be something else but I doubt it. I ran WM6 with almost no lockups for a month. Then I put in the sdhc card and have been locking up almost every day.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 12-31-2007, 11:38 AM
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Maybe we can both learn more about these cards. I have just discovered that my phone won't boot without the card inserted. That's disturbing as the I could be traveling, lose the card and be without phone.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 12-31-2007, 11:42 AM
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Originally Posted by sent17inel View Post
Greetings people smarter then I...... My name is Daniel and Im having problems with my mini sd card. I was given an 8gb micro sd card made by san disk.. its the 3 in one thing were they give you an sd adapter as well as a mini sd adapter... I am using the community release WM6 and it works beautifully for me... However... after about two days of use video playback in TCMPM will degrade significantly and I will start to experience alot of skipping... sometimes when trying to play music from my sd card it will even freeze up the phone... if i pop out the card when its frozen my phone will immediatley become functional again.. if i dont pop out the card and wait a good amount of time it will tell me that the card is unformatted and needs to be formatted.. but i know this is not the case because all i have to do is hard reset the phone and the card will once again be read from just fine... and video playback in TCPMP will also be flawless..... Im not exactly dying here.. since hard resets take only seconds.. as well as restoring my contacts with PIM restore.. but its somewhat saddening that my 8gb is causing problems... it was bought from the verizon store and is a Class 4 so its supposed to be good... umm... Does anyone have any questions for me? Or does anyone have any ideas on what is causing the video playback smoothness to slowly degrade over time....

I assume you are picking the SDHC drivers in the kitchen? If not then that is your problem. Second since you got a USB reader please put the micro sd card in the adapter and ensure you can read it properly. I have seen issues with my 6 gig Sandisk card where I had to format it in order for it to work properly.

The skipping you mention sounds like you are using original SDHC drivers that did not have their transfer rates lowered to avoid the skipping.

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 12-31-2007, 11:44 AM
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Originally Posted by dsteinschneider View Post
Maybe we can both learn more about these cards. I have just discovered that my phone won't boot without the card inserted. That's disturbing as the I could be traveling, lose the card and be without phone.
A bit more info please...

1) What kind of card and capacity?
2) What OS are you running on your PPC?
3) Are you picking SD or SDHC drivers if you are using the WM6 kitchen?

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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 12-31-2007, 11:46 AM
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Originally Posted by dsteinschneider View Post
I recently upgraded to a similar setup - its a 6GB SHDC sandisk micro in a mini adapter. I'm on the WM6 Helmi_WM6_Apache_Kitchen_071108_1 release. I have been experiencing freeze ups. Just last night I installed a driver from a file named sdhc.777.cab.zip but this morning I'm locking up again. I will have to revert back to my 2GB minisd to confirm that sdhc is causing the problem. I have nothing running off the card, I've taken care to make sure that anything like attachments, today screen, activesync conduits are running on main storage. There is another sdhc driver I downloaded from Verizonguy called sdhc support.cab. I'm going to try that one today. For all I know it could be something else but I doubt it. I ran WM6 with almost no lockups for a month. Then I put in the sdhc card and have been locking up almost every day.
Ok now I saw this post!!

First the WM6 build you are using did not have the proper SDHC support in it. Second the SDHC drivers you installed after the fact did not contain the lowered transfer rates to avoid the skipping and all you are seeing.

Please upgrade to the 12/17 kitchen, select the SDHC drivers in the kitchen process, and you will be good to go!

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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 12-31-2007, 11:58 AM
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Thanks Steve,

I was ready to do something - the phone has been freezing on me enough that I was ready to reinstall (was also thinking about the 6800

Will follow your advice.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 12-31-2007, 12:14 PM
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Originally Posted by dsteinschneider View Post
Thanks Steve,

I was ready to do something - the phone has been freezing on me enough that I was ready to reinstall (was also thinking about the 6800

Will follow your advice.
Dont go the 6800 route yet. You have a perfect device. All it needs is a little tender loving ROM flashing to the latest WM6. I love my 6700 now with all the little tweaks I have done to it. This will allow me to put off upgrading to the 6800 for at least the next 6 mos.

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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 12-31-2007, 10:25 PM
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Well as for me... i am using the newest kitchen along with the newest drivers.. and they are using the newer lower transfer rates of 20 hexadecimal in the registry under block transfer rates so im not sure what else to do.. my same situation still stands.....
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 12-31-2007, 10:36 PM
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Originally Posted by sent17inel View Post
Well as for me... i am using the newest kitchen along with the newest drivers.. and they are using the newer lower transfer rates of 20 hexadecimal in the registry under block transfer rates so im not sure what else to do.. my same situation still stands.....
Did you test the card on your PC?
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