im not sure what kind of phone she is looking for but my friend is with t-mobile and they were telling me that the sidekick has a data only plan so that might be an option
________ Roll Blunts Last edited by elosogrande7076; 09-08-2011 at 02:28 PM. |
Sprint SERO plan for $30 bux month has unlmited text and internet i think?
Bad Sector
PPC-6700 ->6800 ->6900 ->Touch Pro2, Sprint |
ever heard of jump mobile/cricket?
If you have cricket in your area they have a prepaid service called jump. If you buy a $50.00 card and its good for 3 months of free text, and incoming calls. 10 cents a minute outgoing. the best thing about it, is the more money you add the account will stay active longer, so if your using the time before the month is over and you add another $50. and a couple more months to your service. I got to a point where i had a year worth of service, so i could keep $10 on there and it would work for free text and incoming the whole time.
cdma service works with ppc6700 dial the *228xx (xx for your area) but sero is the way to if your up for the 2 year contract with sprint. Good luck, with everything hope that helps Last edited by infowarrior; 11-19-2007 at 03:01 PM. |
I know that Sprint has an office that deals with people with disabilities - i.e., they give free Sprint voice command and no charge 411 services to users who are visually impaired. I have never seen anything specifically for the mute, but you might try calling Sprint's corporate offices (don't bother with regular customer service) to see if they could help out. Otherwise Sprint's SERO plan is going to be as good as it gets - $30 for u/l data, text, Sprint/Sprint, etc. with 500 minutes. - sheureka
Do good. Be kind. Have fun.
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