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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 10-24-2007, 03:07 PM
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Its All About speed, not romz dummy! :)

The idea for topic was born from this thread:

For both "clean&simple" and "Loaded" romz..
There have been many threads covering “full” or “Clean & Simple rom/kitchens and fan-club of each.
I did not intend this thread to be a flame war over rom ideologies or specific rom lovers, or newbie superstition/experiences/opinions.
My point was to find out exactly whats goin on in da ROM....A comparison discussion of differences, concerning only the performance of the rom.

I have been dragging myself thru the whole ppc registry, & now kitchens 2 find the elusive golden-egg reg-edit that would explain why users would feel more faster/stable in a clean rom.

So far the only explanation I see is:
1-memory allocation, usage & recovery
2-Amount of running processes and /or how much mem & cpu utilization of each.
3-Pim file corruption.

This thread was started 4 pointing out any adjustment that can be reproduced & added to a "Kitchen OEM" or reg-edit.
There is no need ever to mod kitchen files when you can use an OEM. Modding kitchen is for the kitchen makers, as it will totally make your kitchen different & incompatible for troubleshooting from the current PPCgeek kitchen, creating chaos with different kitchens & bug troubleshooting.

I am being open-minded that there could be something else going on (like OS wasting time looking thru SD card), or maybe less processes running thru dangerous unrecommended “kitchen/ system” deletions (like some "clean" rom kitchens) but so far the only area that I can pinpoint & improve upon is the already known reg settings concerning memory.

Also what I realized is a common misconception, is that the amount of files in the windows directory has no bearing on what processes are running. It only affected storage memory. In other words, making rom trimer/slimmer & does not correlate to speed, what we are focusing on in this thread.

WARNING: Although I am using these settings 4 speed/stability, making my "loaded" Zelda-rom running smooth like whipped butter, they may differ from you.
Many of these settings are already used in roms here, just in different amounts.
The following reg-settings are primarily for discussion.
Try at your own risk!
I won’t take any responsibility for showing you this, so please don’t try unless you actually know what da-heeaall you are doing!

So far the "golden" speed-related reg edits are:

HKLM\Sysrem\GDI\glyphe cache=32768 ( For me its better at 65536)

FileSystem-File Management:
HKLM\Sysrem\StorageManager\Filters\fsreplxflt\Repl StoreCacheSize=8192 (usually lower)
EnableCache = 1
EnableCacheWarm = 1
EnableWriteBack = 1
Flags = 10046 (or 68 as in other roms)

PNPUnloadDelay- 8192 (usually lower)
PNPWaitIODelay- 8192 (usually lower)
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\Power\Timeouts]
"BatteryPoll"=dword:5000 (usually lower)

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main]
"MaxRequestThreads"=dword:00000048 (usually lower)
"MaxConnectionsPerServer"=dword:00000048 (usually lower)

MP4Medium= "FrameRate"=dword:00000019 (usually lower)
MP4Large= "FrameRate"=dword:00000019 (usually lower)
MP4Small= "FrameRate"=dword:00000019 (usually lower)

If anyone would like to shed light on this subject, or add your golden speed-hack, please chime in.

The only setting I am not shure which is better is the Flags= 10046 or 68.
I have seen most roms have valueset at 68 but have not researched yet which is better.

Also the only other option I have seen for helping rom, was to increase the “pagepool”, discussed over at the xdadev site, but I haven”t tried it yet
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 10-24-2007, 03:14 PM
cjbreisch's Avatar
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I like clean roms, not because of performance benefits (as you say, it doesn't appear that they exist), but for other reasons that are my own.

This is a good thread, though. The only thing I would add is that it's not JUST about speed, but also STABILITY. It doesn't help me to tweak my registry or overclock my processor so that I have the fastest Apache in existence if it locks up every half hour.

So, like Maxx, I want the speed tweaks, but only if they're not going to make my phone less stable.
In theory, there's no difference between theory and practice. In practice, there is.
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