Verizon XV6700 on Alltel?
Hey guys, I just picked up a VZW branded 6700 last week and was wondering what it would take to have it functioning on Alltels network. I'm totally new to PPC devices, and I've learned alot in the past week since owning this thing. I have searched high and low, but I still have not found a direct answer to my biggest question.
Is it even possible, and what all does it take to use this thing on the Alltel network. I know I can get them to add the ESN, I'm not worried about that.
I really just need to know what I need to do on my end. Someone has told me that I can just flash the phone with an Alltel ROM, like Helmi's WM6 for Alltel, and it will be good to go. Others have told me voice will work, but I'll never get data. Anyways, if someone "in the know" could give me a straight answer, I'd much appreciate it.
Btw, this is a great community you all have going here, lots of smart people and great info, glad to join you guys!