Originally Posted by iamnotsunshine
Circles and squares... lol, I want to say that over and over. Anyways.. I always thought you would check a box and make a selection of a circle, but you had to pick a box first? it's not that way in the program, but it would be nice. Like the HTC Home plugin. There are differnt thems to it.. and I get confused anyways caz there are two THC homes listed.. normal and a 5 tab... but thats something else  But im happy again with my phone, I wont be embarr***** when someone wants to look at my phone or askes me what is that!
Checkboxes (squares) mean check if you want it. Radio buttons (circles) mean only one circle item is allowed within that category.
There are plenty of examples of where check boxes (squares) should be radio buttons (circles). Point those out too and we'll get them fixed.