Re: Slide2Unlock
Well. V1.20 sure runs nice bnut I just notcied that caller ID is format is strange. It has # (###) ###-### and then the other options should b (###) ###-### but instead it's called "Only" I don't understand. It looks like he fixed power drain issue for those who use Direct Push like me.
PDAJ's ROMs & Tutorials, ROMs for Apache, Titan & Vogue.
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Re: Slide2Unlock
now that your build specific issues are resolved you need to start using the s2u2 main tread here or @ XDA, this is a known issue with this version.
7 windows to rule them all, 7 windows to find them,
7 windows to bring them all, and in the network bind them. Navizon CM&ResProxyKiller nueRom SuspendResume777 |
Re: Slide2Unlock
Yeah I also am having issues with 1.20 that when it wakes I cannot get to my today screen, I had to stop the app from running and then I could get to it everytime so I will be going back to 1.18 for now.
Loving my rooted Droid X
Re: Slide2Unlock
the app is updated rather regularly and this is the FIRST time I have ever had an issue with this app. Im sure he will fix it and a new release will be soon. Being honest, IDK how it could get any better than what it already is.....
Re: Slide2Unlock
And now it's v1.21! Sometimes it's amazing how fast the versions "react".
The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. |
Re: Slide2Unlock
Wow! really like v1.21 It hasen't had any thing weird happen to me yet! Comes up fast on wakeup. Only I don' like about this app in general is how the battery takes forever to refresh.