Can anybody tell me whether ISV is allowed to load kernel-mode driver on the ZerizonWireless XV6700 PDA device? The reason I am asking is that, with the success in the follwoing four work items, my kernel-mode driver cannot be loaded at the Xv6700 boot time.
It seems to me that I, a THC Appache ISV, am not allowed to load my kernel-mode driver on the XV6700 device.
I wish you would answer my question.
- Building my kernel-mode driver in the VS2005/WM5SDKPPC IDE
- The deployment of it to the XV6700 device
- The installation of the WM5SDKPPC SdkSamplePrivDeveloper privileged certificate on the XV6700 device
- Setting the XV6700 security configuration, [...\Comm\...] and [...\Drivers\BuiltIn\...] Registries.