Hi all... doing some research on flashing my new Apache from WM5 to WM6.1 (helmi_c's latest)...
i just wanted to know if there are any files in the ExtROM of my Verizon Apache that I would need to retrieve for practical use of my phone?
for instance, in BuildOS- i see the Arcsoft MMS Client, but i also heard on my ExtROM there is a cab called "Extended_ROMSigned_MMS3.0.6.22_Apache_VZW_26Sep05 .CAB"
So i am curious to know... which one should I install? And... are any of these other cabs included in the Extended ROM of my phone practical to be retrieved and installed?
Extended_ROMVZWProvision_Signe d.sa.CAB
Extended_ROMSigned_MMS3.0.6.22 _Apache_VZW_26Sep05.CAB
Extended_ROMCustomize_105201.s a.CAB
Extended_ROMEnable_RingTone.sa .CAB
Extended_ROMVZWProvision.PPC40 0_2577MTM.CAB
Thanks for the help!
EDIT: Also, while were talking about stock software in general... what happens if i dont select any Dialer in BuildOS and flash the ROM? Will it revert to the stock dialer app included with WM6.1?