Originally Posted by deadwrong03
im not getting any live tile notifications or toast notifications working either like with FIM Chat when i leave out the app its suppose to give me toast notifications when i get new messages, but instead it just logs me off of facebook chat wtf? am i doing something wrong? whats up wit that
i hope im plus hurry up and comes out i like being logged in all day i miss palringo from winmo but i know mango will remedy much of this
this is a known issue with FIM. as mentioned in their thread on XDA which im currently grilling them in over, reviewers in the market are also grilling them.
Originally Posted by WMFan85
Is there a way to change the email the calendar uses to send responses to meeting requests? I had a meeting request through my work email and when I responded it sent it through my live email. This I don't like. Meeting organizer will have no idea who is sending the response since it's a different email. Is there a way to change it?
I know if u make a calendar event in that email account it will send requests from that email. to change it u can probably disable it by turning off ur live account under "calendars"
Originally Posted by bigboy292000
My problem with Wifi unreliability seems to have been related to my old Wifi router.
I have been wanting to replace it so I did yesterday, with a new-ish Asus and sicne then - no such issues...
oh yea that'll get you everytime. my Linksys router constantly is giving me issues, I can't wait to trash it once I finally replace it.