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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 10-08-2012, 06:10 PM
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New iPhone 5.....Jailbreak and Teathering

Okay soooo I just got an iPhone 5, with the latest update, but i want to know, fisrt, if there is a jail break for it and second can i use pdanet for it? I use to have a Evo LTE and i was able to tether my phone to my computer i just wanna do the same thing with this if possibe
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 10-10-2012, 11:24 AM
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Re: New iPhone 5.....Jailbreak and Teathering

The only jailbreak out right now is a tethered jailbreak, which means any time your phone restarts it has to be connected to the computer to keep the jailbreak. I would wait for the untethered jailbreak to hit, which should be relatively soon.

As for the tethering to your computer for Internet sharing, what about using the Hotspot feature of the iPhone 5? It is free and does not cost extra, and if your profile is correct and you are on Sprint still, you get unlimited data anyway. This will work fine for you, unless you are using a computer and not a laptop. In that case, a cheap $20 USB wifi adapter from Best Buy or similar store should fix that for you as well.

Good luck.
"I remember, way back in the day, this site was hoppin' with members, posts, and some great development."
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 10-10-2012, 02:44 PM
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Re: New iPhone 5.....Jailbreak and Teathering

Looks familiar... Where have I heard that?

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  PPCGeeks > iPhone > GSM iPhone Development

iphone, jailbreak, pdanet, tether, tethering

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