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Old 09-09-2010, 11:16 PM
BoostJunkieXL's Avatar
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Exclamation iPhone 2g questions

I am buying an iPhone 2g from a friend for another friend. My question is: Can the 2g be "modded" to be able to send pictures etc. etc. without being in e-mail format?? I am iPhone stupid, any help will be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
  #2 (permalink)  
Old 09-10-2010, 01:08 PM
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Re: iPhone 2g questions

yes iPhone 2G can send MMS pictures (picture messages) but your plan has to support it.

I wouldn't get a 2G honestly, I'd just get a 3G you can find 'em pretty cheap, but a 2G can do mostly the same stuff.

if you get a 2G post here and I'll tell you to enable native MMS sending like the other iPhones have.
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