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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 04-14-2010, 09:44 AM
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any advice on apps, widgets, LWPs?

I am looking for some awesome apps, widgets, and LWPs. My favorite LWP on the nexus one is rotating earth. it is freaking amazing. check it out. on my Mytouch I rock "Shake them all" (I have rotating earth but it's just not the same)

"shake them all" is such an awesome LWP. its a bunch of falling androids and they move wherever you tilt your phone and bounce when you swipe your finger.

I am looking for a good weather widget (like on sense UI) that looks good and gives me good weather updates.

"weather and toggle widget" seems the best, but its $2, so unless I find a suitable one I am going to have to pay.

I have some good apps and stuff, mostly looking for good widgets and some apps/games (preferably free) that I don't know about.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 04-14-2010, 02:30 PM
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Re: any advice on apps, widgets, LWPs?

My must have apps are:

Weather & toggle widget: $1.99 works just like the htc weather widget. the 1.99 is worth it because the developer puts alot of work into his widgets and have many different skins. heres a pic of one of his widgets. $1.99 is worth it for the support you get.


pure calendar widget: you will be looking for a calendar widget and this one is the best. There is pure calendar widget and Pure grid calendar, both are $1.99 but pure calendar works best with what we're use to from winmo imo. developer is very supportive, $1.99 is worth it for his work.

gmail unread count: (free app) without this app you will not know instantly how many new gmails you have without clicking the notification bar.

Advanced task killer by Rechild: One of the best task killers and now it includes a widget that will allow you to instantly close apps not included in the ignore list.

Android Mate: A program that give you access to file explore, running programs, and a way to back up apk's incase a certain program is removed from the market or you don't like a certain upgrade that a developer has done to his app, if you have the apk backed up you can install the version you had previously.

and then of course its the regulars like, google sky maps, google goggles, pandora, shazam, speedtest.net app, you know the regulars
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Last edited by p-slim; 04-14-2010 at 02:35 PM.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 04-14-2010, 03:05 PM
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Re: any advice on apps, widgets, LWPs?

Originally Posted by p-slim View Post
My must have apps are:

Weather & toggle widget: $1.99 works just like the htc weather widget. the 1.99 is worth it because the developer puts alot of work into his widgets and have many different skins. heres a pic of one of his widgets. $1.99 is worth it for the support you get.


pure calendar widget: you will be looking for a calendar widget and this one is the best. There is pure calendar widget and Pure grid calendar, both are $1.99 but pure calendar works best with what we're use to from winmo imo. developer is very supportive, $1.99 is worth it for his work.

gmail unread count: (free app) without this app you will not know instantly how many new gmails you have without clicking the notification bar.

Advanced task killer by Rechild: One of the best task killers and now it includes a widget that will allow you to instantly close apps not included in the ignore list.

Android Mate: A program that give you access to file explore, running programs, and a way to back up apk's incase a certain program is removed from the market or you don't like a certain upgrade that a developer has done to his app, if you have the apk backed up you can install the version you had previously.

and then of course its the regulars like, google sky maps, google goggles, pandora, shazam, speedtest.net app, you know the regulars
what's the difference between the 1.99 and the 4.99 for the toggle and widget?
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 04-14-2010, 03:26 PM
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Re: any advice on apps, widgets, LWPs?

Originally Posted by orangekid View Post
what's the difference between the 1.99 and the 4.99 for the toggle and widget?
I was wrong at first, i thought it was 4.99 its only 1.99. And i definitely think its worth it.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 04-14-2010, 03:28 PM
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Re: any advice on apps, widgets, LWPs?

Originally Posted by p-slim View Post
I was wrong at first, i thought it was 4.99 its only 1.99. And i definitely think its worth it.

yeah I usually opt for the free alternative, but this guy's work is easily worth $2.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 04-14-2010, 03:30 PM
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Re: any advice on apps, widgets, LWPs?

Originally Posted by orangekid View Post
yeah I usually opt for the free alternative, but this guy's work is easily worth $2.
definitely agree, i'm positive you will like it. another one is that calendar one, for some reason that was the hardest app for me to find. I went throught all the calendar apps and not one pleased me, finally i found this one and he has many updates as well plus many skins, his calendar apps are the best, but maybe the stock one will work for you.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 04-14-2010, 03:32 PM
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Re: any advice on apps, widgets, LWPs?

Originally Posted by p-slim View Post
definitely agree, i'm positive you will like it. another one is that calendar one, for some reason that was the hardest app for me to find. I went throught all the calendar apps and not one pleased me, finally i found this one and he has many updates as well plus many skins, his calendar apps are the best, but maybe the stock one will work for you.

yeah I need to check it out.

Honestly if I just had sense UI I would have all the HTC Widgets which would totally satiate me, but if I flash Sense UI I can't have LWPs, which I am too addicted to now to let go.

edit: unless you know of a ROM with sense and LWPs?
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Old 04-14-2010, 03:35 PM
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Re: any advice on apps, widgets, LWPs?

Originally Posted by orangekid View Post
yeah I need to check it out.

Honestly if I just had sense UI I would have all the HTC Widgets which would totally satiate me, but if I flash Sense UI I can't have LWPs, which I am too addicted to now to let go.

edit: unless you know of a ROM with sense and LWPs?
there are roms out there with sense like modaco's rom, but i don't like the sense widgets, the majority of the HTC widgets take up the whole screen. I like being able to fit 2 or 3 widgets on one page.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 04-14-2010, 03:37 PM
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Re: any advice on apps, widgets, LWPs?

Originally Posted by p-slim View Post
there are roms out there with sense like modaco's rom, but i don't like the sense widgets, the majority of the HTC widgets take up the whole screen. I like being able to fit 2 or 3 widgets on one page.
well it has the HTC Sense widgets AND the android ones, and you can still download any other ones you want. so it's better in that way, just don't have the live wallpapers
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 04-14-2010, 03:41 PM
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Re: any advice on apps, widgets, LWPs?

Originally Posted by orangekid View Post
well it has the HTC Sense widgets AND the android ones, and you can still download any other ones you want. so it's better in that way, just don't have the live wallpapers
are you saying lwp doesn't work with sense?
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