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  #31 (permalink)  
Old 03-08-2010, 10:04 PM
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Re: been quiet in here so

Originally Posted by MrGoodCat View Post
alright, screw you winmo, i am done. sellin my tp2 and movin on to android. just hope the n1 hits verizon somewhat soon. don't know how long i can last on my moto rival, haha.

i was wondering though. one big thing will be the lack of a physical keyboard. how is the onscreen keyboard? i found my self using the one on the tp2 sometimes when i was too lazy to open it (actually it was usually cause i didn't want to deal with the lag of winmo attempting to rotate the screen, haha). but yeah, for all those who have/had a tp2, is it a big shock, or somewhat easy to get used to thanks to the screen real estate?

also, how is the battery life compared to the tp2?
I was in your same boat because i've had every winmo phone with a keyboard back since before htc bought audiovox. I finally made the decision to go with a non physical keyboard and i'm glad i did. I actually type faster and the xt9 is perfect because even if you push the wrong letter and keep going, the phone usually knows what you meant. The battery life i would say is about the same except for the fact that i never put my phone down now so i have to have a car charger plus an extra charger for work.
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old 03-09-2010, 01:52 AM
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Re: been quiet in here so

Originally Posted by p-slim View Post
I was in your same boat because i've had every winmo phone with a keyboard back since before htc bought audiovox. I finally made the decision to go with a non physical keyboard and i'm glad i did. I actually type faster and the xt9 is perfect because even if you push the wrong letter and keep going, the phone usually knows what you meant. The battery life i would say is about the same except for the fact that i never put my phone down now so i have to have a car charger plus an extra charger for work.
awesome. yeah, went to verizon and activated my old moto. now gotta sell the tp2 on ebay so i can get some dough for the n1.

i talked to a sales rep who seemed to know what he was talking about until he said that my tp2 was getting a windows phone 7 upgrade...sigh...

however he said the verizon would have its own special rendition of the n1, he said better specs but would not tell me any specifics other than it would have a trackpad instead of the track ball...we'll see. like i said i was believing him till he dropped the tp2 upgrade bomb...

but thanks for your input p-slim, looking forward to gettin my hands on one. by any chance is there a good site to read up on android basics and advanced stuff? its gonna be a whole new world to me...
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