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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 06-22-2012, 06:54 PM
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Re: Current devices will not be upgradable to WP8.

Originally Posted by orangekid View Post
Yeah MS really dropped the ball on this.

The Lumia was $200 with a contract on release, so even if they credited anyone $100 (which I never heard about...) then they still burned $100 AND a 2 year upgrade! (which costs a lot more) because people didn't believe their device would be worthless in a few months. Not only that but the Focus S and Titan 2 were also $200 with an upgrade, same thing.

If those people had been told what MS had planned, they could have bought an iPhone 4S or waited for the 5 or a Galaxy Note, or waited for the SGS3 or something, but not burned money and an upgrade on a device with utterly outdated software in 6 months time...

That 7.8 crap is just a gimmick, nothing more. Some GUI changes, nothing core, nothing major, nothing good. MS tries to sell us on them being a mobile competitor but then does this? What's the point of buying a WP8 device? So we can beta test their OS again for a couple years before they screw us again?

Yeah I'll be getting my SGS3 and not even looking at WP8, or maybe I'll pick one up for $50 2 weeks after it's released since the 3rd party prices on WP7 phones tank faster than anything I've ever seen.
You are overreacting a little I think. The 900 was never $199 with a contract it was $99 with some places even selling it for $49 so it's basically a free phone. No one knows all what 7.8 will entail, MS will detail it and WP8 more in future events. This was only a developer event,not consumer.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 06-22-2012, 10:21 PM
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Re: Current devices will not be upgradable to WP8.

and will help build a marketplace with apps, and at least give them a presence in the market.
except even these apps would no longer work on wp8... if the coding really is so different...

the windows market will have to be built from the ground up, again... as with windows mobile 6 apps not working on windows phone 7...
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 06-22-2012, 11:09 PM
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Re: Current devices will not be upgradable to WP8.

Originally Posted by EyeB View Post
except even these apps would no longer work on wp8... if the coding really is so different...

the windows market will have to be built from the ground up, again... as with windows mobile 6 apps not working on windows phone 7...
Apps built for WP 7.x will still run on WP8 and even W8 but apps built for WP8 will not work on WP 7.x without modification if native code was used.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 06-23-2012, 10:08 AM
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Re: Current devices will not be upgradable to WP8.

Originally Posted by EyeB View Post
except even these apps would no longer work on wp8... if the coding really is so different...

the windows market will have to be built from the ground up, again... as with windows mobile 6 apps not working on windows phone 7...
Nope - You can target 7.x which will work thru Win8 Metro, *or* you can go WP8/Metro Only, *or* native, targeting (with multiple binaries) whichever arch you want to support.

Existing market stays the same.

It's just C# code, it's not magic.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 06-24-2012, 12:07 AM
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Re: Current devices will not be upgradable to WP8.

Lumia has always been 99$ from day 1 and credit is real. I bought one. Everything else is up for personal opinion and debate (yawn). That's why we have choices.
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 06-24-2012, 06:03 PM
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This news sucks!

Sent from my SPH-D700 on the PPCGeeks App
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 06-25-2012, 01:56 AM
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Re: Current devices will not be upgradable to WP8.

Originally Posted by TexasAggie97 View Post
This news sucks!

Sent from my SPH-D700 on the PPCGeeks App
@TexasAggie97 not really, all the Gen 1 handset owners are due for upgrades around that time. We also don't know all that 7.8 will include but it will still be supported by MS for at least another 2 years then it will be targeted for emerging markets.
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 06-25-2012, 09:27 AM
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Re: Current devices will not be upgradable to WP8.

Originally Posted by eric12341 View Post
You are overreacting a little I think. The 900 was never $199 with a contract it was $99 with some places even selling it for $49 so it's basically a free phone. No one knows all what 7.8 will entail, MS will detail it and WP8 more in future events. This was only a developer event,not consumer.
Originally Posted by steveo70 View Post
Lumia has always been 99$ from day 1 and credit is real. I bought one. Everything else is up for personal opinion and debate (yawn). That's why we have choices.
You are forgetting that this LOCKED you into a 2 year contract too, so you cannot get an upgrade to a way better phone that DOES get updates like an iPhone or Android device.

You are also forgetting about the Focus S and Titan 2 which are STILL at $200 at AT&T even though MS knows they will not update the phone. They are ripping off customers.

They should be paying us for beta-testing their OS for 2 years instead of trying to rip people off...

Will they pull the same stunt with WP9?
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 06-25-2012, 01:33 PM
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Re: Current devices will not be upgradable to WP8.

Originally Posted by orangekid View Post
You are forgetting that this LOCKED you into a 2 year contract too, so you cannot get an upgrade to a way better phone that DOES get updates like an iPhone or Android device.

You are also forgetting about the Focus S and Titan 2 which are STILL at $200 at AT&T even though MS knows they will not update the phone. They are ripping off customers.

They should be paying us for beta-testing their OS for 2 years instead of trying to rip people off...

Will they pull the same stunt with WP9?
You can get a better phone if you want, you just have to pay full retail for it. Apparently lots of people did this to go from the iPhone 4 to iPhone 4S for just one new feature. Also the 7.8 update hasn't been revealed fully, it may have more hardware independent features from WP8. It will also continue to be supported with apps and updates when appropriate. WP9 isn't for another 3 years, we'll worry about that when we get there. It'll be the same kernel so it shouldn't be an issue, all phones are guaranteed at least 18 months worth of updates from the time it's released. Has google ever put together a policy like that? There are still tons of android phones that haven't even gotten gingerbread and quite a few that won't even get ICS.

Last edited by eric12341; 06-25-2012 at 01:36 PM.
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 06-25-2012, 03:52 PM
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Re: Current devices will not be upgradable to WP8.

You can get a better phone if you want, you just have to pay full retail for it. Apparently lots of people did this to go from the iPhone 4 to iPhone 4S for just one new feature. Also the 7.8 update hasn't been revealed fully, it may have more hardware independent features from WP8. It will also continue to be supported with apps and updates when appropriate. WP9 isn't for another 3 years, we'll worry about that when we get there. It'll be the same kernel so it shouldn't be an issue, all phones are guaranteed at least 18 months worth of updates from the time it's released. Has google ever put together a policy like that? There are still tons of android phones that haven't even gotten gingerbread and quite a few that won't even get ICS.

Yeah but you can easily flash any firmware version you want on Android phones, whereas you can't do that on a WP7 phone. MS has already said 7.8 is basically just a gui update, I don't see any core features.

Google doesn't need a cheap promise like that because they are not the only company who releases Android, they have no control over what HTC or Sammy does with the source code. WP7 and 8 are MS only, the manufacturers do not write their own code like with Android. The awesome thing about Android is that if you read enough you can make your phone do whatever the hell you want it to. I like WP7 and 8 UI, I really do, but until MS puts out something stable with real app support that doesn't change every 2 or 3 years then I just feel bad for people who buy WP7 phones.

And I'm not an MS hater, I actually like Windows 7 a lot, and I have my complaints about Android and iOS, but as a consumer I can't trust those guys with their ongoing beta test.

Let me get back to you in 5 years when they have a decent product.
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