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Old 09-12-2011, 10:39 PM
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Replacement Device ?

The Earpiece on my Arrive is starting to go out. I think this is probably because I dropped it but don't tell sprint. Anyway, they are going to replace it with another device. My question is will Zune automatically sync all apps back to my replacement device?
  #2 (permalink)  
Old 09-12-2011, 10:54 PM
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Re: Replacement Device ?

if u downloaded the apps through Zune they will sync back automatically, otherwise u'll have to hunt down each one. there is also a utility that will allow Zune to backup the device and u can restore that backup on ur new arrive.

Last edited by eric12341; 09-12-2011 at 10:58 PM.
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Old 09-12-2011, 11:42 PM
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Re: Replacement Device ?

I've nuked my phone and got a replacement, If they don't show up, make sure your using the same live account, then go to the marketplace, find the app that you paid for, then select buy, it will check and prompt you "you already paid for this app, do you want to reinstall it ?" then just say yes.

Most cases, if they are small apps, they will just automaticly install...

If your like me, who has about 15 apps and games from the marketplace, just make yourself a small list, so you don't forget one.

Edit: If your phone is unlocked, there is an app on XDA that will backup your 3rd party app settings. Yes, it will move your save games from xbox/non-xbox live to a new phone (found this to annoying after a few times, to get back to the same level)

Aka, backup, Nuke/replace your phone, unlock new phone, install the games/apps from the marketplace (or where ever), restore backup..back to where you were...


Last edited by DavidinCT; 09-13-2011 at 11:23 AM.
  #4 (permalink)  
Old 09-13-2011, 08:28 AM
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Re: Replacement Device ?

Yeah, Like David, I did that with mine. I accidentally Hard Reset mine awhile after I got it thinking it was a Soft reset and lost all my apps. The Contacts and appointments resynched without any issue but I had to go back and reload al the apps I'd gotten. Lucky for me, they were all the free apps so I wasn't out anything. When I redownload it, it states as David said and gives me the option to reinstall.

I started keeping a list on my home computer of the apps I have installed or played with so if it happens again, I'll be able to reload them quicker. I don't know if this is any different for apps that you've actually paid money for or not as I've not used anything enough to feel it's worth paying for yet. But there's a few that are on my list for moving beyond the Free/trial.
  #5 (permalink)  
Old 09-13-2011, 09:49 PM
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Re: Replacement Device ?

ive deleted apps ive paid for and reinstalled at least 4-6 times on a couple apps and no issues yet havent had to pay for anything more than once
  #6 (permalink)  
Old 09-14-2011, 04:41 AM
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Re: Replacement Device ?

Question. Is there somewhere in Zune that lists the installed apps/ bought apps from Marketplace?
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Old 09-14-2011, 09:16 AM
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Re: Replacement Device ?

Originally Posted by JohnMcD348 View Post
Question. Is there somewhere in Zune that lists the installed apps/ bought apps from Marketplace?
Not that I could find. I was looking for this myself.
My Windows Media Center HTPC blog and site.

If I helped in anyway, please hit thanks !
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Old 09-16-2011, 03:10 AM
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Re: Replacement Device ?

Originally Posted by JohnMcD348 View Post
Question. Is there somewhere in Zune that lists the installed apps/ bought apps from Marketplace?

go to Zune > Settings > Account > Purchase History and then make sure u click apps it shows u all the apps u downloaded and when you downloaded them on your phone
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Old 09-16-2011, 10:42 AM
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Re: Replacement Device ?

well that would have been nice to know yesterday. Everything did get synced back no problems. All except the apps. It did suck having to go back to a non mango phone though. I decided to wait for the official update but it is KILLING me with how much worse this is compared to Mango.
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Old 09-16-2011, 12:14 PM
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Re: Replacement Device ?

Originally Posted by deadwrong03 View Post

go to Zune > Settings > Account > Purchase History and then make sure u click apps it shows u all the apps u downloaded and when you downloaded them on your phone
Never noticed that, thanks ! Now I wish I could get rid of (delete apps) in from there. If I hard reset my phone or get a replacement, I have about an hour and 1/2 of apps and demos installing from the marketplace. Then I have to uninstall all the demos I dislike. I would love to delete those for good.

Originally Posted by nkdevelopment View Post
well that would have been nice to know yesterday. Everything did get synced back no problems. All except the apps. It did suck having to go back to a non mango phone though. I decided to wait for the official update but it is KILLING me with how much worse this is compared to Mango.
Still on NoDO(activated my replacement phone last night) and I can't wait on my Trophy, so I will do a full backup.

You have an arrive. There is a full sprint Gold_C (the HTC Arrive) rom available. I would download it, test that you can go back to stock, then just upgrade yourself to Mango.

WHen the final comes out, just reflash the NoDO rom and your back to factory in about 10 min. The claim is that you will have to nuke your phone anyway (you will need to flash a rom to go to final). You'll have to nuke anyway, you might as well enojy it.

I really wish there was a Verizon HTC Trophy (Spark_W) rom but, there is not one.
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