Re: Windows phones send user location to Microsoft
Are you the same awesome dude on dslr? If so, LOL.
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Re: Windows phones send user location to Microsoft
If you check out the PDF on MS response to the location thing
http://blogs.technet.com/cfs-file.as..._-5.9.2011.pdf you can see that "2. Observing Location Only When the User Needs It. Microsoft only collects information to help determine a phone’s approximate location if (a) the user has allowed an application to access and use location data, and (b) that application actually requests the location data. If an application does not request location, Microsoft will not collect location data." notice on "b" they word it pretty cleverly that if an app requests the location data, it will be "collected" so they do, per this, collect the location when "an app requests it" |
Re: Windows phones send user location to Microsoft
yea but it isn't stored r anything like how iPhone was doing it. what the hell is the big deal about this? ur bank knows everywhere u swipped ur card so should we not do that anymore?
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Re: Windows phones send user location to Microsoft
u can by turning off location or by hitting cancel when it asks and the apps I have installed have an option to turn location off. u have a wp7 so I don't know how u could be so oblivious to this.
Re: Windows phones send user location to Microsoft
Maybe it does not store it locally on the device like iPhones do, but if you are going to use a Cell Phone, you can and are going to be tracked. That's my point. |
Re: Windows phones send user location to Microsoft
triangulation does not give out exact location
Re: Windows phones send user location to Microsoft
well Como dice el dicho "lo casi no cuenta" or almost doesn't count.