WM7 Phone Can't Sync With Your Company E-mail Here's How!!!
Some companies such as mine do not allow sync'ing with webmail without specific permissions and it may not be possible for you to get this. I have come up with a work around which works for me and I know it will not be acceptable for others, but I thought I'd let everyone know how they can stay current with their company e-mail and calendar when out of the office, see below:
Goto Your company webmail login
At the mail screen click on options. (This is located to the right below your name.) A drop down menu will appear click on 'see all options'.
Now goto and click on 'phone' on the left side of the screen.
Click on the 'text messaging icon' and select 'turn on notifications'
A pop up screen appears asking for your 'locale' and your 'mobile operator'.
In locale select your locale (country) and in mobile operator select your cell phone provider.
Select 'next' and enter your mobile number in the 'text box' and select 'next'.
You will receive a text with a passcode to enter on the following screen enter it select 'finish'.
You have now completed step one and your phone is set up to receive texts from your company e-mail.
Now it is time to setup the notifications.
Goto settings - calendar under 'text messaging notifications' select the notifications you wish to receive, (you can also select 'set up calendar notifications' in the phone section and fill in your notifications.) Once you have completed this step you will now receive texts messages from your outlook calendar for the items you selected such as reminders for meetings.
Now in the phone section goto 'setup e-mail notifications using an inbox rule'. Setup the rule(s) you want for your e-mail notifications.
You will see next to 'do the following' a link saying 'select one' click on it and the mobile number you set up will appear.
You can add more rules by selecting 'more options' and when finished you have completed setting up your e-mail and calendar. Be sure you have saved all of your changes.
Hope this helps some of you who have been trying to sync unsuccessfully with your company e-mail. It works for me and hopefully this will suit your needs.
I did not try to see if you can get your tasks this way, but if it is available it should not be to difficult to include.
PS: When you get your email you will not get the full email you only get a portion, but I think you get enough to gather whether it requires your prompt attention and hopefully your company gives you web access to do so.
Last edited by alphaxi3; 05-10-2011 at 12:22 PM.