08-09-2011, 09:31 PM
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Re: [HOW TO] wp7 device as USB drive
Originally Posted by DavidinCT
I just really wanted to be able to put DOC, PDF, XLS files on there and be able to read them in office...but, of course the only way to use private personal files is put them on a indexing cloud service (your data is indexed for faster searches but, who knows who can access that data).
Is there no Secure way to transfter files on a local machine to your phone ?
This is what I was really hoping this would offer....but, the only way to access your personal files is to upload them to a website. Really not too secure in my eyes...
SkyDrive uses an HTTPS connection and I recently found a tip at pocketnow that'll explain how to setup SkyDrive through windows explorer.