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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 01-08-2011, 02:04 PM
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A call to arms - Windows 7 phone succeeds

Note: Before someone says, just add this to the Doomed thread, let me say it is about setting a different tone and asking people to step up.

A few weeks ago I purchased the HTC HD7 phone from T-mobile. Unless I find real issues with the network I will be leaving Sprint. I think Sprint is great and offers plans that are better than Tmobile. Although only in degrees. I said many times to myself I would never leave Sprint just because of a phone. I am a huge fan of Sprint and joined many years ago when they first arrived in my area. I guess I left Sprint because of the phone and OS.

To put it bluntly the phone is to die for and the new Windows 7 phone OS is amazing. Sure there are things to complain about. The camera button is hard to press. The screen is not as good as some of the others but still surprisingly nice. Worse issue, back to the good old days when the sunlight makes viewing the screen almost impossible.

I may not be quite the hacker as others but I did relish the task of making changes to the registry and altering the phone to my taste. Those days are in question. I say that because Microsoft appears to be sending out goodwill gestures to the development community. I don't think this is a completely dead issue.

The question is do we hack just to hack? Are we the ones that install on our PC's more utility programs than the programs needed to be productive. Or buy more camera, ski, electronic equipment, etc because it is cool? In other words if the new Windows 7 phone is 80 to 90% at the place we tried to reach with all the hacks to the old OS then why not embrace it?

If we are not Apple people and believe Android is going to become fragmented by the cell companies and handset manufactures then why not support Microsoft? Google just wants our skin to sell to advertisers. Go into a Best Buy and all you see are bricked Windows 7 phones with a photo of the screen. Anyone looking at it might think, interesting but so what is the big deal if there is even one.

We are the advertisers. We are the early adapters of new technology. We are the ones our friends and family goto when they want to know what to buy. We should go out and buy a Windows 7 phone to show our friends and family what it is all about. If we do this and the phone succeeds then there will be more apps and Microsoft will listen even more to the development community. Stop asking the question will this OS succeed and become the reason for its success.

FYI - Some may be disappointed but believe me, this OS is beautiful. You will not be disappointed with your purchase.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 01-08-2011, 03:11 PM
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Re: A call to arms - Windows 7 phone succeeds

haven't regretted the OS since I bought it november 8. What I do regret is the hardware *leers at htc*
give me something special htc and I will go back. But somehow the dell venue pro far exceeded my expectations. Now the amazing thing is the keyboard. I know the dvp has a keyboard, but the on screen keyboard is amazing. I barely even use the hw keyboard at all
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 01-08-2011, 11:01 PM
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Re: A call to arms - Windows 7 phone succeeds

I was very interested in the Dell Venu Pro but was concerned with the low ram. The HD7 is really nice but I know people coming from the HD2 will say where is the next generation phone. I was feeling the same way when considering the new Touch Pro 7. Where is the improvement over the Touch Pro 2. I believe HTC builds excellent phones. They just don't go out of there way to move to the next level. I think Samsung is going to wake HTC up and force them into next gen phones.

Dell's first phone is a great first start. It will be interesting to see how serious Dell is and how willing they are to compete in a very crowded field.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 01-09-2011, 03:27 PM
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Re: A call to arms - Windows 7 phone succeeds

I got to play with the HD7 for about 25 min in a store (very slow, no one even asked me if I needed help) and it was a awsome device, fast and smooth. If T-mobile had good coverage where I live (VZW is the best), I might of jumped at it. Just wishing for a keyboard.

To note before my next comment, I want WP7, no question about it. I can't wait to get a phone that is fast and smooth, something that WM only had if you don't install anything.

Windows 7 phone succeeds ???? Nope, not even close. Why ????

When I turn on my TV and my local news channel says " Download our new app for iPhone and Android !" when they list Windows Phone, then WP has succeeded. Crap, even my favorite sports radio station has an app for Anroid and iPhone, Windows phone ? Nope

You could have a billion apps but, intill your local places start accepting and making custom apps for your local news and stuff, it's not even close.

Just my thoughts here...
My Windows Media Center HTPC blog and site.

If I helped in anyway, please hit thanks !
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 01-09-2011, 03:57 PM
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Re: A call to arms - Windows 7 phone succeeds

I agree with both of your comments with some thoughts of my own.

Every device I have owned has had a keyboard. I always wanted a keyboard on each new phone. What I have found, the virtual keyboard is decent for short email and SMS messages. In a horizontal position the keyboard feels more like a real keyboard. Unfortunately not all Apps rotate. The keyboard does offer words and it does self correct misspellings which makes it easier to use. On the downside the touch is very responsive leading to mistakes. I do have to say the Touch Pro2 keyboard had harder key-presses than the touchpro making the experience a bit less enjoyable.

With regards to apps I agree the major companies need to step up. There are apps like CNN, weather channel, Realtor.com, IMDB and fandango to name a few that suggest companies are stepping up. Even angry birds is about to offer their game. Now it doesn't matter if you say, Angry birds, who cares. It matters that popular programs and games are arriving on this phone.

Another thing we have to do is email companies that do not have apps and ask them when they plan to offer an app for the Windows 7 phone platform. This is exactly what I have been doing. Companies will step up if they see there is a demand out there. Yes, they are looking at the acceptance of this phone but they must also be looking at their customers or users to see if there is any interest.

DavidinCT, please email your local station and ask them when an app will arrive. This is how the Windows 7 phone will win in the marketplace. We all have a voice.

We all have to step up if we care about this product and also Microsoft. People will buy the iphone and then the ipad and then say why not a Mac. Then what happens to .Net and IE and everything else. This is bigger than just a phone. I think it has been a long time before Microsoft figured this out and in some way I think they are still in discovery mode.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 01-09-2011, 04:05 PM
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Re: A call to arms - Windows 7 phone succeeds

I also want to add. The lack of the keyboard at least on the HD7 and possibly some other short comings should not stop people. People will discover after a week with this phone that there are so many advantages with this OS, the things we thought were important when making a decision to buy a phone are minor. That is how great this new OS is compared to 6.5.

I am coming from Sprint and am concerned about Tmobile's network. At this point I love this phone and OS so much I can't imagine going back to the Touch Pro 2 and 6.5.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 01-09-2011, 11:58 PM
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Re: A call to arms - Windows 7 phone succeeds

Originally Posted by timezone View Post
Another thing we have to do is email companies that do not have apps and ask them when they plan to offer an app for the Windows 7 phone platform. This is exactly what I have been doing. Companies will step up if they see there is a demand out there. Yes, they are looking at the acceptance of this phone but they must also be looking at their customers or users to see if there is any interest.

DavidinCT, please email your local station and ask them when an app will arrive. This is how the Windows 7 phone will win in the marketplace. We all have a voice.

We all have to step up if we care about this product and also Microsoft. People will buy the iphone and then the ipad and then say why not a Mac. Then what happens to .Net and IE and everything else. This is bigger than just a phone. I think it has been a long time before Microsoft figured this out and in some way I think they are still in discovery mode.
I will when I have one. I'm still using my 6.5 TP2 because I can't get a WP7 phone for Verizon. There should be one soon but, till then I can't call and ask for something I can't even use.

I am not meaning just for me, but, in a global standpoint (well at least in the US), till it's accepted and this will take time. If Microsoft really did it right, the numbers over the next 2 years will prove it.

Rome was not created in a day and it's going to take a while to convert the tons of iPhone and Android users over. As long as the phone is in the spotlight, so when someone is looking at phones, they can see what WP7 offers with the others and make a good choice for what is best for them.

Not everyone will like WP7 nor even try it, others hated Windows Mobile and will not even look at it. Others will see it with a open mind they are the people would would give it a serious look.

I really hate defending a item I can't own...

Originally Posted by timezone View Post
I also want to add. The lack of the keyboard at least on the HD7 and possibly some other short comings should not stop people. People will discover after a week with this phone that there are so many advantages with this OS, the things we thought were important when making a decision to buy a phone are minor. That is how great this new OS is compared to 6.5.

I am coming from Sprint and am concerned about Tmobile's network. At this point I love this phone and OS so much I can't imagine going back to the Touch Pro 2 and 6.5.
As a keyboard goes, I would prefer one because of the feedback, it's hard to feel the keys on a screen, if you know what I am getting it. If i can't get a keyboard, then the screen must be arond 4" (no 3.6") because I have a very hard time typing with my thumbs on a screen.

I will give a honest hard shot before I just say no. If I can type a e-mail with out any problems, then I won't really have a problem with it.

All depends on what verizon gets and at what cost, then I will decide.

Last edited by DavidinCT; 01-10-2011 at 12:02 AM.
  #8 (permalink)  
Old 01-12-2011, 11:12 AM
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Re: A call to arms - Windows 7 phone succeeds

Even before owning the phone I emailed Companies with products I use asking where is the Windows 7 phone version.

Despite everything I think this phone will succeed. On many sites there are people already frustrated with their Android phone and even iPhone. I do know when I have shown it to existing Android users they do not or can't see the value added reasons for jumping and that is a problem. This phone can't just be as good as an Android or iPhone for existing users. They need a good reason to go through the pain of moving to a new phone.

Microsoft has the advertising muscle but we have the megaphone and are the troops on the ground that can show off the phones attributes. If this phone fails in the marketplace then we can blame Microsoft and maybe the retail stores. Last but not least we can blame ourselves as early adapters of electronic devices. We have to take ownership and do our job showing off this phone.
  #9 (permalink)  
Old 01-13-2011, 02:23 PM
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Re: A call to arms - Windows 7 phone succeeds

If I had to judge right now, the biggest disadvantage Android has is that it's fractured. Not all apps work on all devices. Same thing happened to WM6(.5). So if WP7 can keep it standardized (so far so good), they'll be able to gain quite a bit of developer interest, which in turn will encourage Android and iPhone users to jump to WP7.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 01-15-2011, 03:46 PM
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Re: A call to arms - Windows 7 phone succeeds

How long will Andriod users realize the OS is fractured across phones? Will it be customers recognizing the situation or the programmers dropping off because of a fractured marketplace?
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