Re: A call to arms - Windows 7 phone succeeds
I agree with both of your comments with some thoughts of my own.
Every device I have owned has had a keyboard. I always wanted a keyboard on each new phone. What I have found, the virtual keyboard is decent for short email and SMS messages. In a horizontal position the keyboard feels more like a real keyboard. Unfortunately not all Apps rotate. The keyboard does offer words and it does self correct misspellings which makes it easier to use. On the downside the touch is very responsive leading to mistakes. I do have to say the Touch Pro2 keyboard had harder key-presses than the touchpro making the experience a bit less enjoyable.
With regards to apps I agree the major companies need to step up. There are apps like CNN, weather channel,, IMDB and fandango to name a few that suggest companies are stepping up. Even angry birds is about to offer their game. Now it doesn't matter if you say, Angry birds, who cares. It matters that popular programs and games are arriving on this phone.
Another thing we have to do is email companies that do not have apps and ask them when they plan to offer an app for the Windows 7 phone platform. This is exactly what I have been doing. Companies will step up if they see there is a demand out there. Yes, they are looking at the acceptance of this phone but they must also be looking at their customers or users to see if there is any interest.
DavidinCT, please email your local station and ask them when an app will arrive. This is how the Windows 7 phone will win in the marketplace. We all have a voice.
We all have to step up if we care about this product and also Microsoft. People will buy the iphone and then the ipad and then say why not a Mac. Then what happens to .Net and IE and everything else. This is bigger than just a phone. I think it has been a long time before Microsoft figured this out and in some way I think they are still in discovery mode.