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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 09-22-2010, 07:10 PM
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Re: WP7 coming to Sprint???

Originally Posted by bambamsprint View Post
I work for Sprint and there is no WM7 phone jet !!!! Maybe next year !!! They even have any prototype !!!

Sent from my EVO 4G using Tapatalk
yup they do have a prototype and its not bad for their first windows phone 7 but I cant wait to see what comes after it.
  #22 (permalink)  
Old 09-23-2010, 07:40 AM
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Re: WP7 coming to Sprint???

Originally Posted by ajac View Post
we get it you you just one of those people that sit behind the computer and think they know more above all but till you show us proof of this your not gonna change many people opnions

sorry just being like you I will stop (aka adding another worthless post to the thread like the one above to increase my post count like the one above)
Are you kidding me? What the hell is wrong with you? I didn't claim you were lying, and I didn't say anything about my own proof or knowledge of WP7.

I only stated that you'd made your point: if you furnished proof, you'd get fired. You don't need to restate it with every post. BUT, as long as no proof is shown that suggests that Sprint will release WP7 despite MS's very public statement to the contrary, you're not going to sway opinions. That's just a fact.

I could claim that I've seen someone shoot fireballs out of their ass, defying all known laws of physics, but that I couldn't provide proof because it would mean losing my job. How many people do you think would believe me? It's that simple. You may be telling the truth, you may be lying. We have no way of knowing, and you telling us "you like your job" isn't going to make us more prone to believing you.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 09-23-2010, 09:41 AM
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Re: WP7 coming to Sprint???

Originally Posted by spectheintro View Post
Are you kidding me? What the hell is wrong with you? I didn't claim you were lying, and I didn't say anything about my own proof or knowledge of WP7.

I only stated that you'd made your point: if you furnished proof, you'd get fired. You don't need to restate it with every post. BUT, as long as no proof is shown that suggests that Sprint will release WP7 despite MS's very public statement to the contrary, you're not going to sway opinions. That's just a fact.

I could claim that I've seen someone shoot fireballs out of their ass, defying all known laws of physics, but that I couldn't provide proof because it would mean losing my job. How many people do you think would believe me? It's that simple. You may be telling the truth, you may be lying. We have no way of knowing, and you telling us "you like your job" isn't going to make us more prone to believing you.
Get over your self
  #24 (permalink)  
Old 09-23-2010, 01:11 PM
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Re: WP7 coming to Sprint???

Let us all get over ourselves, this thread is rolling off the tracks and threatening to crash into the city below. Let's all just chill out. I know sometimes our e-feelings get hurt and we want to punch, but I think we can just sit back, relax, abide by the rules, and have a good time here.

edit: Seems the above might be at a higher phonics level than some can handle, so let's try the simpler version:

No more flaming, bickering, or trash talking.

Thank you, and have a great day

Last edited by orangekid; 09-23-2010 at 02:47 PM.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 09-29-2010, 12:37 PM
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Re: WP7 coming to Sprint???

The only reason I didn't flame, bicker or trash talk is because I like my job too much.
Please don't ask me to prove that. How could I anyway.

So, This ->
No CDMA Windows Phone 7 devices until 2011, excluding Sprint and Verizon
And this -> A week in Windows Phone 7, 9-19-10 - Windows Phone Hacker (see the bottom of article)

And this -> Verizon: No Windows Phone 7 devices at launch, will support later on

And pretty much this -> windows phone 7 on cdma - Google Search

Tells me there will not be a WP7 phone on CDMA till 2011. But I'm not calling it proof. Just hearsay.

And being a Sprint customer myself... I hope ajac is right and we get a sexy sleek phone soon. But the data shows a very likely inprobability. Pictures or not.
  #26 (permalink)  
Old 09-29-2010, 03:20 PM
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Re: WP7 coming to Sprint???

Originally Posted by AZTECA View Post
The only reason I didn't flame, bicker or trash talk is because I like my job too much.
Please don't ask me to prove that. How could I anyway.

So, This ->
No CDMA Windows Phone 7 devices until 2011, excluding Sprint and Verizon
And this -> A week in Windows Phone 7, 9-19-10 - Windows Phone Hacker (see the bottom of article)

And this -> Verizon: No Windows Phone 7 devices at launch, will support later on

And pretty much this -> windows phone 7 on cdma - Google Search

Tells me there will not be a WP7 phone on CDMA till 2011. But I'm not calling it proof. Just hearsay.

And being a Sprint customer myself... I hope ajac is right and we get a sexy sleek phone soon. But the data shows a very likely inprobability. Pictures or not.

Yep, I am only interested here if there is any leaks of some possable CDMA based phones, even tho they are not targeted at a carrier..Sprint or VZW or (name your CDMA carrier here).

This is what everyone here should be looking for. To this date, I have seen about 6 to 10 phones claimed for 7 and GSM only. Also to this date, I have seen NO CDMA "7" phones, not even a hint of a model.

Nothing is showing that there is a CDMA phone even in the planning stage, at least that I can find.

To anyone who says they have seen or used one, great. With out proof, I can say I have one here, who can prove me wrong ? Take no offence, I do hope your right because we might see one sooner but, with out actual proof, it does not exist in people's minds.
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If I helped in anyway, please hit thanks !
  #27 (permalink)  
Old 09-29-2010, 04:10 PM
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Re: WP7 coming to Sprint???

Winmo is not dead yet... Sprint/Motorola/MS trying to cater to the business crowd. Not a bad move. Considering there will not be a CDMA WP7 phone till mid 2011.

Motorola and Sprint announce Windows embedded device | WMExperts

I'd rather keep my TP2 though.
  #28 (permalink)  
Old 09-29-2010, 07:01 PM
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Re: WP7 coming to Sprint???

WTF??? Maybe.. maybe... No...


  #29 (permalink)  
Old 09-29-2010, 07:34 PM
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Re: WP7 coming to Sprint???

LOL see can t trust everything you read online. Just to let everyone know the sprint branded one (theirs 2 ) are nice. and my boss still tells me this year on the lg branded one(and that was today when I asked him if their had been any changes on release date)
  #30 (permalink)  
Old 09-30-2010, 11:26 AM
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Re: WP7 coming to Sprint???

Originally Posted by ajac View Post
LOL see can t trust everything you read online. Just to let everyone know the sprint branded one (theirs 2 ) are nice. and my boss still tells me this year on the lg branded one(and that was today when I asked him if their had been any changes on release date)
It was on the internet, so it MUST be true

All kidding aside, that is one phone that was scheduled for AT&T/GSM release. Even if so, a pop out keyboard, ok but, pop out speakers ? As long as it's got some serious bass and very clear audio, maybe but, I still would prefer a keyboard.
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