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  #151 (permalink)  
Old 02-17-2010, 12:53 AM
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Re: Windows Phone 7 Discussion

From the looks of those videos..I'm probably going android :/...I mean just looking at it looks like a 3rd rate OS like iphone or what the instinct has. Don't get me wrong, some of the stuff on there looks nice but the UI feels so dumbed down that my head is gonna split. I mean I can replicate that UI in DOS >.>

Just like vista makes it easy for simple stuff but when you wana do something advanced it gives you a headache.

Aka my guess is they abandoned the ppl who want something more out of their phone and feeding it to the masses.

I know they even said its not a pc and they want to differentiate, but some of us want a pc in our hands >.>..if they could have just made wm6.5 more customizable and make it more efficient while getting their hardware people to make it with decent processors/gpus that would have been perfect.

I am clearly not impressed...
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  #152 (permalink)  
Old 02-17-2010, 12:54 AM
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Re: Windows Phone 7 Discussion

Originally Posted by gcianc View Post
laughable speculation.

iPhone (best performing one that does everything in iPhone ecosystem) is $199 and where phones are in 2010.

"really expensive feature phone" is editors reaching for webhits.
what they are meaning is a locked down smartphone, i.e. just like the iphone.
just not what typical wm users are used to. considering these guys are actually in spain this week, i'll regard their opinion with a little clout than yours.
  #153 (permalink)  
Old 02-17-2010, 12:59 AM
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Re: Windows Phone 7 Discussion

Originally Posted by VW View Post
I imagine this Microsoft device will require a simply everything plan ... Grrr

I thought it looked pretty nice, although I wasnt a fan of the blue tiles. Do something dynamic with those as well. Also throw in Bing Turn By Turn navigation ala Android, multitasking and some backwards compatibility. Ill buy.

Zune Software is greeeaatt..much better than iTunes. Wireless sync for podcasts is the bees-knees.

Having said that... (A little off topic) Android on Sprint sucks. When is HTC or another manu going to release a decent Android phone on Sprint?
why would you need nav when you have sprint nav by telenav? it has worked well for me and i'm guessing it ain't going nowhere.
  #154 (permalink)  
Old 02-17-2010, 01:04 AM
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Re: Windows Phone 7 Discussion

Originally Posted by gcianc View Post
Pink is without a doubt a teen/tween phone series (somewhat based on a the new wm7 kernel that won't run wm7 apps obviously due to hardware and marketing limitations) that WILL no doubt be popular if properly MARKETED. Especially since carriers (USA) force $20/mo or $30/mo data plans on any phone with more than 0-9, send/stop keys. Tweens don't want old-man blackberries or super(geek)phones (droid/wm6). They text like mo'fos 24/7 and dabble in facebook while listening to free mp3s and playing games. They don't post on forums either. They can do with probably 90 minutes a month too.
Pink Predecessor (to my understanding) was the TMble Sidekick. This was around the time that Boost Mobile started advertizing big as well as the crazy niche market carriers came out (Ampd mobile etc). After the BBerry came out it was like a virtual Pandoras Box of people buying up smartphones. Now wherever I go 8-10 times this particular group (teens) has either a BB or an Iphone. Heck i cant even go to Yahoo Answers without seeing 18 questions about either of these to phones.

and yet no one there seems to have ever heard the term Google for some reason :/
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  #155 (permalink)  
Old 02-17-2010, 01:33 AM
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Re: Windows Phone 7 Discussion

Slighty digressing here, yet staying on the topic of Windows Phone 7 Series <3

1- What?! where is the cool Zune HD keyboard,
I'm hoping they just didn't finish porting it to WVGA

2- plain dial pad?

They emphasize that OEMs would not be able to change the interface, what about alternate Software Input such as Swype, for example, another innovative intuitive and effective way to type on a Series 7 Phone with no keyboard.
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  #156 (permalink)  
Old 02-17-2010, 08:53 AM
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Re: Windows Phone 7 Discussion

Originally Posted by gcianc View Post
sorry but letting the msmobiles clowns - UNEDITED - post on your front page is ample proof.

you can do better. much, much, much better.

Pink is without a doubt a teen/tween phone series (somewhat based on a the new wm7 kernel that won't run wm7 apps obviously due to hardware and marketing limitations) that WILL no doubt be popular if properly MARKETED. Especially since carriers (USA) force $20/mo or $30/mo data plans on any phone with more than 0-9, send/stop keys. Tweens don't want old-man blackberries or super(geek)phones (droid/wm6). They text like mo'fos 24/7 and dabble in facebook while listening to free mp3s and playing games. They don't post on forums either. They can do with probably 90 minutes a month too.

A couple of days ago you guys posted a roadmap of rumors and keep citing some code where HTC will disable WP7 for Sense. THAT'S NOT HAPPENING. Talking about separate ZUNE phones, Media & business editions (come on did anyone really think zune services/store would be omitted from wp7.. it's their frikin' bridge to media revenue along with games now that phones can handle the graphics). Re-read this

I just don't get how out of touch you can be with what is happening unless it's milking web traffic. Sorry.
oh yes it is
This ui made no sense to me prior to watching the wp7s presentation. Now it does! And I am completely sure this will be the next UI for wpseries smartphones. It took me a long time to find this
  #157 (permalink)  
Old 02-17-2010, 09:36 AM
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Re: Windows Phone 7 Discussion

Originally Posted by Tiberius85 View Post
I dont care how little customization WP7 has. If the sluggishness and behavior of my TP2 makes me want to smash it against the wall, it needs to be fixed. If lack of customization is the key to a unified UX, so be it. I love my Zune HD and wish everyday since I bought it that it was my phone.
Guess you didnt notice that there is STILL lag in the video
  #158 (permalink)  
Old 02-17-2010, 10:12 AM
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Re: Windows Phone 7 Discussion

Originally Posted by brownhornet View Post
Guess you didnt notice that there is STILL lag in the video
Guess you didn't notice it is STILL far from finished and being worked on.
  #159 (permalink)  
Old 02-17-2010, 10:21 AM
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Re: Windows Phone 7 Discussion

no disrespect to HTC - they make good, not great phones - but they are a HARDWARE maker not a software difference maker. Their software initiative has hit a dead end.

Their software is already LOCKED OUT OF iPhone, blackberry and soon now Windows 7 Phone.

What's left?


It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see they'll be paiting themselves into a small corner... limiting the HTC Experience to non-smart HTC "feature phones" and htc-branded android devices within 9 months. That is pretty steep odds working against them for a major software initiative with no chance of "marketplace" revenue.

And you all know the "pink" stuff is essentially zune feature phone so once WP7 ships microsoft can easily leverage that market too - against HTC.

Originally Posted by Noir View Post
oh yes it is
This ui made no sense to me prior to watching the wp7s presentation. Now it does! And I am completely sure this will be the next UI for wpseries smartphones. It took me a long time to find this
  #160 (permalink)  
Old 02-17-2010, 11:15 AM
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Re: Windows Phone 7 Discussion

Originally Posted by gcianc View Post
no disrespect to HTC - they make good, not great phones - but they are a HARDWARE maker not a software difference maker. Their software initiative has hit a dead end.

Their software is already LOCKED OUT OF iPhone, blackberry and soon now Windows 7 Phone.

What's left?


It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see they'll be paiting themselves into a small corner... limiting the HTC Experience to non-smart HTC "feature phones" and htc-branded android devices within 9 months. That is pretty steep odds working against them for a major software initiative with no chance of "marketplace" revenue.

And you all know the "pink" stuff is essentially zune feature phone so once WP7 ships microsoft can easily leverage that market too - against HTC.
but you're just speculating that just like most are (myself included)
the problem is that we still have no idea about WP7s until MIX

plus the code from sense...just doesn't substantiate your speculation at all. In fact, it detracts
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