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  #171 (permalink)  
Old 02-17-2010, 06:28 PM
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Re: Windows Phone 7 Discussion

At first glance, I wasn't too excited with what I saw, but the more I hear and see, the more I'm starting to like it. Also, I'm thinking that the version we are seeing right now is the WP7 "lite" or "media" phone. I hope the more business oriented one will give us the opp. to customize a little.
  #172 (permalink)  
Old 02-18-2010, 02:33 AM
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Re: Windows Phone 7 Discussion

Originally Posted by Hawks2005 View Post
At first glance, I wasn't too excited with what I saw, but the more I hear and see, the more I'm starting to like it. Also, I'm thinking that the version we are seeing right now is the WP7 "lite" or "media" phone. I hope the more business oriented one will give us the opp. to customize a little.
that's along the same lines of what i was thinking, because this definitely smells like a (clueless) consumer device, hopefully Legacy or Professional or whatever they call it edition will be more akin to what we like to play with
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  #173 (permalink)  
Old 02-18-2010, 07:34 PM
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Re: Windows Phone 7 Discussion

Looks like no backwards compatibility has been pretty much confirmed.
  #174 (permalink)  
Old 02-18-2010, 08:17 PM
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Re: Windows Phone 7 Discussion

Originally Posted by prince View Post
I was just thinking about that. I can't imagine Sprint (or any carrier) selling this without mandated data plans like current WM devices. No biggie provided I can keep SERO
I'm gonna venture a guess and say - NOPE! You and me both are gonna have to give up the much loved (and much hated by outsiders) SERO plans
  #175 (permalink)  
Old 02-18-2010, 09:01 PM
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Re: Windows Phone 7 Discussion

Originally Posted by pjsnyc View Post
I'm gonna venture a guess and say - NOPE! You and me both are gonna have to give up the much loved (and much hated by outsiders) SERO plans
more than likely, seems to be the trend with phones that eat that much data, such as Hero, Moment, Pre, and Pixi and it looks like 7 Series will probably take more data than all of them
  #176 (permalink)  
Old 02-18-2010, 11:56 PM
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Re: Windows Phone 7 Discussion

Originally Posted by jbearamus View Post
more than likely, seems to be the trend with phones that eat that much data, such as Hero, Moment, Pre, and Pixi and it looks like 7 Series will probably take more data than all of them
I really don't think it has anything to do with how much data is used, even if that's what they say. I believe this is just an excuse Sprint uses to get people off SERO. I think it's more that all of those phones are (or were expected to be) hot new phones. Windows Mobile wasn't considered a hot new thing. WP7 probably will be.

Sprint has every right to push people off SERO. I've enjoyed it immensely but always knew it wouldn't last forever. They discontinued the plan, and any time they do that you're faced with a decision to leave things alone or give up what you have for the latest and greatest. You can't have it all. I remember when Vision (3G) came out, I was grandfathered on a very good old 2G plan. I stuck with it for awhile, but eventually had to just accept that if I wanted the latest and greatest, I'd have to move up to a current, more expensive plan. When my contract is up in November, I will have saved at least $1400 over the next best plan option available. I really can't complain, and neither should anyone else!

Last edited by bkrodgers; 02-19-2010 at 01:15 AM. Reason: nothing personal...
  #177 (permalink)  
Old 02-19-2010, 12:15 AM
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Re: Windows Phone 7 Discussion

Originally Posted by bkrodgers View Post
I really don't think it has anything to do with how much data is used, even if that's what they say. I believe this is just an excuse Sprint uses to get people off SERO. I think it's more that all of those phones are (or were expected to be) hot new phones. Windows Mobile wasn't considered a hot new thing. WP7 probably will be.

Sprint has every right to push people off SERO. I've enjoyed it immensely but always knew it wouldn't last forever. They discontinued the plan, and any time they do that you're faced with a decision to leave things alone or give up what you have for the latest and greatest. You can't have it all. I remember when Vision (3G) came out, I was grandfathered on a very good old 2G plan. I stuck with it for awhile, but eventually had to just accept that if I wanted the latest and greatest, I'd have to move up to a current, more expensive plan. When my contract is up in November, I will have saved at least $1400 over the next best plan option available. I really can't complain, and neither should you!
i'm not complaining as i don't even have a sero account and never have, i've always had a consumer line and paid for my data nor was i trying to complain about the required data plans, i was just simply trying to point out the trend they are using when requiring these plans while implying it is just an excuse sprint is using, its almost as bad as att's and verizon's excuses

Last edited by jbearamus; 02-19-2010 at 12:22 AM.
  #178 (permalink)  
Old 02-19-2010, 01:14 AM
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Re: Windows Phone 7 Discussion

Originally Posted by jbearamus View Post
i'm not complaining as i don't even have a sero account and never have, i've always had a consumer line and paid for my data nor was i trying to complain about the required data plans, i was just simply trying to point out the trend they are using when requiring these plans while implying it is just an excuse sprint is using, its almost as bad as att's and verizon's excuses
I meant you in the broader sense of anyone reading/complaining, not you specifically. I probably could have been clearer on that.
  #179 (permalink)  
Old 02-19-2010, 01:18 AM
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Re: Windows Phone 7 Discussion

Originally Posted by bkrodgers View Post
I meant you in the broader sense of anyone reading/complaining, not you specifically. I probably could have been clearer on that.
its alright, i just didn't want to be thrown in with the crowd that's always b^#*!ing about sero, because like you said, no one on that plan has the right to expect it would last forever
  #180 (permalink)  
Old 02-22-2010, 02:47 AM
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Re: Windows Phone 7 Discussion

Originally Posted by jbearamus View Post
Originally Posted by bkrodgers View Post
I meant you in the broader sense of anyone reading/complaining, not you specifically. I probably could have been clearer on that.
its alright, i just didn't want to be thrown in with the crowd that's always b^#*!ing about sero, because like you said, no one on that plan has the right to expect it would last forever

so true

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