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View Poll Results: Which OS Interests You Most?
WebOS 1.2.1 21 11.29%
Iphone 3.1 OS 2 1.08%
Windows Phone 6.5 OS 84 45.16%
Android Donut OS 78 41.94%
Blackberry 5.0 OS 1 0.54%
Voters: 186. You may not vote on this poll

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  #41 (permalink)  
Old 10-25-2009, 11:03 PM
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Re: Which OS Interests You Most?

I'm all about any OS whether it's Windows Mobile 6.5/7,Blackberry 5.0,Android,Web device with an processor above the average 528MHz. I'm looking forward to the future devices with 1024MHz processors.

Right now the Blackberry Tour w/o wifi and RIM's OS 5.0 keeps my cup half full...
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  #42 (permalink)  
Old 10-27-2009, 10:42 AM
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Re: Which OS Interests You Most?

Just switched form wm 6.5 to webos on the pre and it safe to say im never going back. these two years of windows just wore me out. since im using in for my entertainment and not business i just wasnt feeling winmo. especially with its old looking gui. they could have made something more appealing like windows 7 is on the desktop.
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  #43 (permalink)  
Old 10-27-2009, 11:57 AM
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Re: Which OS Interests You Most?

Windows Mobile 6.5.1 is shaping up real nicely IMO love the contacts touchup, buttons, checkboxes, etc have been redone as well. IMO its what 6.5 should have been to avoid horrible reviews a bit. but it still has a lot of touching up to do before id consider getting one again (calendar for example, and the homescreen tray buttons has got to go cuz it clashes with titanium...)

Still id go with Android for the #1 spot and be looking at future updates to WebOS since it looks the most promising of them all but still lacking ATM
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  #44 (permalink)  
Old 10-27-2009, 06:14 PM
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Re: Which OS Interests You Most?

Android hands down for me.

For one, I don't feel like paying an extra $30 for BIS (or $10 if you know where to look), so Blackberry's out.

Iphone is sweet, but I'm not going to AT&T's crappy network, so that's out.

WebOS is VERY cool, but I'm not even sure Palm will be around in a year or 2 (especially if they keep coming "Pixie" style...ewww) Maybe if the get a slideout qwerty, and their financials turn around significantly.

Windows 6.5........your kidding right? If it's not laggy on the HD2, then maybe. maybe. I HATE lag. It's retarded.

That leaves ANDROID FTW!!!
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  #45 (permalink)  
Old 11-03-2009, 01:06 PM
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Re: Which OS Interests You Most?

I'm tired of Windows problems. My TP has to be rebooted at least once every two days. Constant lock ups. It was the same thing with my Vogue. I played with the Hero at Best Buy the other night and have been reading every review I could find. I did the same thing with the Vogue and the TP. I knew there were issues and still went with them. For the most part I loved the phones. But I got worn down by the constant hassles. When I'm eligible to switch phones in early December I'm jumping to Android and the Hero.
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  #46 (permalink)  
Old 11-05-2009, 02:51 AM
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Re: Which OS Interests You Most?

i like my windows mobile device. i have a vogue, yes old school, but it works. flashed to have winmo 6.5 and am loving it. better than the iphone in my opnion. everything is compared to the iphone, yet everyone has a partiality towards the iphone its sickening.
android is a new os, i love it on my vogue. even better on the g1.
bb os, don't like it, no touchscreen so no go for me.
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  #47 (permalink)  
Old 11-06-2009, 08:43 AM
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Re: Which OS Interests You Most?

TP is 6.1 stock with flashed radio. Business use, very heavy talk time. Office is a must so WM is a must. Very, very few problems with this phone. Ill wait for 7 to come out for awhile and then get the best phone I can. Larger screen will be appreciated with these older eyes (just tuned 60). Zero interest in multimedia. It is really business use.
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  #48 (permalink)  
Old 11-06-2009, 01:44 PM
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Re: Which OS Interests You Most?

Originally Posted by muddauber View Post
TP is 6.1 stock with flashed radio. Business use, very heavy talk time. Office is a must so WM is a must. Very, very few problems with this phone. Ill wait for 7 to come out for awhile and then get the best phone I can. Larger screen will be appreciated with these older eyes (just tuned 60). Zero interest in multimedia. It is really business use.
Try flashing a 6.5.1 ROM. It's got pretty good sight help. I could even make you one as the one I'm using gets very good battery life it seems.
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  #49 (permalink)  
Old 11-08-2009, 05:15 AM
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Re: So has the temptation got to you yet?

Typing this from my sprint diamond, I voted for android even though I've hardly used it because it does interest me the most. What I mean by that is I think it has the most potential right now. I had a Treo 700p before my diamond so this is my first windows mobile phone. Stock it sux but I'm running energy rom on it and it's like night and day. I'm debating going over to android when my contract is up but still not sure about it. With windows mobile I have core player so I don't have to worry if my phone will play this or that video or not. Core player also plays pls files from shoutcast so streaming internet radio is no prob. Might not be the prettiest app but gets the job done. My phone might not be the prettiest or smoothest but in the end it does MORE than all the non WM phones out there. Great as a modem for my laptop and easy to setup even on stock rom just one cab file. Come out with vlc for android and you'd make my choic a lot easier. I have a lot of movies on my puter and they're mostly .avi files, can ANY of the other phones play those? I really don't like the email on WM but it gets the job done. This is the tiniest most powerful phone I've ever had.
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  #50 (permalink)  
Old 11-09-2009, 04:39 AM
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Re: Which OS Interests You Most?

Definitely the Android. Even at its infancy... it is showing a lot of potential.
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