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View Poll Results: Which OS Interests You Most?
WebOS 1.2.1 21 11.29%
Iphone 3.1 OS 2 1.08%
Windows Phone 6.5 OS 84 45.16%
Android Donut OS 78 41.94%
Blackberry 5.0 OS 1 0.54%
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 10-12-2009, 10:59 PM
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Re: So has the temptation got to you yet?

I played with a Hero today. It doesnt seem any more responsive than other current gen WM phones I played with
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 10-13-2009, 11:34 AM
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Re: So has the temptation got to you yet?

we need to get more people to this thread..I get the feeling that more and more of us are doubting windows and microsofts ability to innovate.. Please guide more people to this thread.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 10-13-2009, 07:19 PM
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Re: So has the temptation got to you yet?

Well, I started with a PocketPC 1.0 (remember those ?) and have moved up through almost every version from there. I always carried a PDA and cell phone, then moved up to a 6700 to combine them and now a 6800 (I do miss the 4" display from my hx4700).

I will not get a new phone till WM7 phone start coming out, I don't feel there is a reason to change till we get major feature updates in the hardware. Some of the new spec'ed features are what I really want in a phone.

Over the years there has been progress in the version changes, I think the best change so far is in WM 6.5, with finally getting with the program and giving more touch access and not just a stylus.

If 6.5 is a step where we are going then we are going down the right path. I agree with what other people say, system perfomance is going to be huge one as we step down the line. I got a chance to play with the new iPhone for a while and as I was not nuts over the interface, it was really fast, I've never over the years seen a WM device run as fast as it.

If WM7 is scheduled for Spring 2010, then I will be disapointed. You can not re-do a whole OS in 6-8 months, it is sounding like it might be rushed out the door and that would make it a bad thing....
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 10-14-2009, 07:55 AM
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Re: So has the temptation got to you yet?

Originally Posted by SporkLover View Post
I played with a Hero today. It doesnt seem any more responsive than other current gen WM phones I played with
I prefer 6.5.1 imho
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 10-15-2009, 12:46 AM
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Re: So has the temptation got to you yet?

So wideawake and I have been through all the OS's as well. We always stick with our Windows Mobile though.

The Iphone is in my home, only used for games now. It was only activated for a few months......never used for business or personal items

The BB's are in my home, they are used randomly.

Windows mobile is all over my home, in boxes, on shelves and activated on our lines. hehe We love our Windows mobile.

Just throwing my opinion out there. Oh and yeah, if something new came out, we'd probly get it. I do now want the Android OS!!! hehe

If you wanna make the world a better place take a look at yourself and then make a change ~Michael Jackson
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 10-16-2009, 12:25 AM
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Which OS Interests You Most?

Ok first off I love sprint and pocket pcs..yet I must admit that windows mobile has turned me off. However this isn't a thread to bash them. I enjoyed the freedom and the many ways to customise the OS. The problem was that it would become old and in all honesty, the only things we were changing was the outter shell. At its core windows still is outdated and isn't really finger friendly.Either way I switched to a pre recently and with the hero being released today,the storm 2, bold 2 and even though I dislike apple, I have to give respect to the iphone.... All out or soon to be out on the market, is there anyone that has stuck with windows mobile(phone), that's has thought or is thinking of switching to a new OS? Be honest the temptation has to be there. This thread is solely for discussion as I'm interested in the thoughts and opinions of my peers. So if you've chose to stay or leave windows,please list your reasons why or why not...
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 10-16-2009, 12:31 AM
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Re: Which OS Interests You Most?

Didn't you already post this exact same thread with a different title?
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 10-16-2009, 12:43 AM
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Re: Which OS Interests You Most?

Originally Posted by mlin View Post
Didn't you already post this exact same thread with a different title?
yup, i saw it at another thread too..

but here it goes:

is a no brainer, Windows Mobile, I mean Windows Phone....
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 10-16-2009, 12:45 AM
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Re: Which OS Interests You Most?

Anything that provides compatibility with Word, Excel and similar applications.
Another beautiful day in Paradise on the Leeward coast with a TP2 and Evo!
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 10-16-2009, 01:08 AM
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Re: Which OS Interests You Most?

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