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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 09-27-2009, 12:48 PM
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Re: Google issueing a C & D to Android Chef Please read and support Chefs everywhere

Originally Posted by jethro_static View Post
that is the same stuffs we do on WM. But no cheff receive C and D letter from Microsoft.WM phones chefs ports anything posible. From tf3d to midomi. Google maps to youtube. But google never send a C and D letter to WM chefs even for distributing their closed sourced google maps. Wether same manufacturer, different manufacturer. but Google is so defensive on their Android even the development is for android itself. Is that Freedom of open source mean to U?
It isn't the same thing. Those Android apps have specified distribution licenses. Their counteparts on WM dont have that.

You can't seem to delineate Google's Android Efforts, from their Android App development efforts.

What they choose to do with their close sourced apps, how they distribute them, has no bearing on how open Android is.

Think of those Apps as like the Paid NERO app for Linux. You pay for those apps as a built in cost of the phone. You Cannot redistribute them. Just like you can't Copy a paid NERO program from your linux computer and make it available for others. That is what Cyanogen was doing, even if he had the best of intentions.
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Last edited by SporkLover; 09-27-2009 at 12:56 PM.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 09-29-2009, 01:05 AM
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Re: Google issueing a C & D to Android Chef Please read and support Chefs everywhere

Originally Posted by SporkLover View Post
It isn't the same thing. Those Android apps have specified distribution licenses. Their counteparts on WM dont have that.

You can't seem to delineate Google's Android Efforts, from their Android App development efforts.

What they choose to do with their close sourced apps, how they distribute them, has no bearing on how open Android is.

Think of those Apps as like the Paid NERO app for Linux. You pay for those apps as a built in cost of the phone. You Cannot redistribute them. Just like you can't Copy a paid NERO program from your linux computer and make it available for others. That is what Cyanogen was doing, even if he had the best of intentions.
Dude, Youtube app and Google Maps is a paid App for Android? That is what the Initial google problem with cyanogen. This aint no warez problem. Google never claimed that Cyanogen is distributing Paid Apps. They claim about closed apps.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 09-29-2009, 01:49 AM
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Re: Google issueing a C & D to Android Chef Please read and support Chefs everywhere

Originally Posted by jethro_static View Post
Dude, Youtube app and Google Maps is a paid App for Android? That is what the Initial google problem with cyanogen. This aint no warez problem. Google never claimed that Cyanogen is distributing Paid Apps. They claim about closed apps.

Look at what Google says about the distribution of those apps. They are provided on the Cell Phone via a Business agreements (IE the Manufacturers Pay Google for the Google experience on their Android Phones). Cyanogen was not part of those business agreements. He had no right to distribute them. Period.

From the other thread..... The sky is the limit with Android..... just don't try to distribute software you have no license to distribute or you will get your hand smacked. That is Cyanogen's problem. It's not an Android problem. Google didn't have any issue with what he did with Android. In fact Cyanogen is distributing his ROMs again MINUS the software. You should really try to understand that.

Google Mail + Youtube + Market != Android . They are NOT ANDROID, they are Apps on Android.

Before you continue to spout your flawed theory of what Android and Open Source is..... go and read what Cyanogen himself says about the platform.

The last few days have been difficult. What has become clear now is that the Android Open Source Project is a framework. It’s licensed in such a way so that anyone can take it, modify it to their needs, and redistribute it as they please. Android belongs to everyone. This also means that big companies likes Google, HTC, Motorola, and whomever else can add their own pieces to it and share these pieces under whatever license they choose.
I’ve made lots of changes myself to the AOSP code, and added in code from lots of others. Building a better Droid, right?
The issue that’s raised is the redistribution of Google’s proprietary applications like Maps, GTalk, Market, and YouTube. These are not part of the open source project and are only part of “Google Experience” devices. They are Google’s intellectual property and I intend to respect that. I will no longer be distributing these applications as part of CyanogenMod. But it’s OK. None of the go-fast stuff that I do involves any of this stuff anyway. We need these applications though, because we all rely so heavily on their functionality. I’d love for Google to hand over the keys to the kingdom and let us all have it for free, but that’s not going to happen. And who can blame them?
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 09-29-2009, 01:56 AM
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Re: Google issueing a C & D to Android Chef Please read and support Chefs everywhere

Before you say something else that is wrong. The licensing structure is Apache. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apache_License

Google hold's the copyright, but it makes the source code open. It allows developers to change it, and redistribute it. It allows them to make the pieces they develop themselves (SenseUI, Motoblur) and label them as close sourced.... or they can make open source if they want.

It's a flexible Open source licensing structure that allows someone to build revenue from their own work....
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 09-29-2009, 03:59 AM
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Re: Google issueing a C & D to Android Chef Please read and support Chefs everywhere

OK readers. This dude will sway ur decisions that is it ok. Don't be fooled. Sproklan is no developer. Sporklan is no more intelligent as U and me. Sporklan will copy and paste what he found on the internet just to prove me wrong. He will believe what he read on wiki, no questions ask.Sporklan is the kind of person that U will find on the streets that, U will tell him to buy something. and he will buy it. like the way he bought Android. He will Stand behind android no matter what.

This is the thing thou, Android is not as free as WM. And WM is as free as what we want it to be. Sporklan however says that Android is more free, and it will be the most powerful OS in the mobile world. But he is on the WM community. Why are U here and owning a WM device anyways? he will tell U that he did not say Android is more powerful but I will link U to our conversartion once he does. just look out for d edits time. it will be there.

Now he made sense UI as an example. Dude. Sense UI from goolges phone is being ported with no fear at all!

Last edited by jethro_static; 09-29-2009 at 04:05 AM.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 09-29-2009, 04:07 AM
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Re: Google issueing a C & D to Android Chef Please read and support Chefs everywhere

The problem with my rebatal and sporklan is he thinks that copying and pasting what wiki and google said will end the debate. He does not think that, Dude, Just use ur common sense. U will understand.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 09-29-2009, 04:17 AM
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Re: Google issueing a C & D to Android Chef Please read and support Chefs everywhere

I will tell U sporklan that this thread is about supporting cyanogen.
I know cyanogen gave up and will stop distributing what he used to do under Googles power.
This thread is supposed to be, signing a petition for google to leave cyanogen alone. that is in favor of cyanogen the development.

I never thought that this thread is about, to convince cyanogen to do what Google wants him to do.

If this thead is on Googles favor, FU! I will never sign that petition!

Sporklan, tell this people How Open Google Android is.. LMAO!
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 09-29-2009, 04:26 AM
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Re: Google issueing a C & D to Android Chef Please read and support Chefs everywhere

Originally Posted by jethro_static View Post
This is the thing thou, Android is not as free as WM. And WM is as free as what we want it to be. Sporklan however says that Android is more free, and it will be the most powerful OS in the mobile world. But he is on the WM community. Why are U here and owning a WM device anyways? he will tell U that he did not say Android is more powerful but I will link U to our conversartion once he does. just look out for d edits time. it will be there.

Now he made sense UI as an example. Dude. Sense UI from goolges phone is being ported with no fear at all!
Thats definately not true, windows mobile doesn't distribute the source code or label it as open source. The reason that it may "seem" more open is cause microsoft doesnt give a damn weither we distribute its work, along with HTC. Google seems to be more caring about that stuff. We have no right to make roms, or distribute unreleased software, but since they don't say anything we do it anyways.

Um sense UI is being ported cause HTC never gives C&D's. Its not open source...

Also how does apps that arent open source make a whole OS all of a sudden not so open?
The apps were never meant to be distributed, they are closed, If you read he says hes continuing development but not including those apps in and that is fine with google.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 09-29-2009, 04:33 AM
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Re: Google issueing a C & D to Android Chef Please read and support Chefs everywhere

Originally Posted by bikeandestroyx View Post
Thats definately not true, windows mobile doesn't distribute the source code or label it as open source. The reason that it may "seem" more open is cause microsoft doesnt give a damn weither we distribute its work, along with HTC. Google seems to be more caring about that stuff. We have no right to make roms, or distribute unreleased software, but since they don't say anything we do it anyways.

Um sense UI is being ported cause HTC never gives C&D's. Its not open source...

Also how does apps that arent open source make a whole OS all of a sudden not so open?
The apps were never meant to be distributed, they are closed, If you read he says hes continuing development but not including those apps in and that is fine with google.
U do not Understand a thing. So go ahead and troll on other thread thread coz this topic is much too complex for U.

nobody says M$ will distribute M$ code. Nobody knows M$ codes!!!! It is a closed platform!!! even if somebody knows the code, They cannot release the code!!! It is protected!!!
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 09-29-2009, 05:31 AM
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Re: Google issueing a C & D to Android Chef Please read and support Chefs everywhere

Originally Posted by jethro_static View Post
U do not Understand a thing. So go ahead and troll on other thread thread coz this topic is much too complex for U.

nobody says M$ will distribute M$ code. Nobody knows M$ codes!!!! It is a closed platform!!! even if somebody knows the code, They cannot release the code!!! It is protected!!!
Yes i knoww that, thats why i wrote it, So saying wm is morre open than android is not true get your sht straight man dont try telling me i dont know anything. Your best arguement so far has been dont copy and paste wtf man explain to me how android isnt open source
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