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Old 09-22-2009, 12:45 PM
scubarob's Avatar
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WM6.1 Exchange Email really wierd issue

OK, so I'm new to the forum, but not to PPCG, I'm a long time lurker and you guys ROCK, so I'm hoping you can help me out with an odd issue. I have 2 phones, 1 a samsung omnia, the other an HTC Touch Pro, both through Verizon. At around the same time last week, both phones stopped syncing new email. I didn't notice it for a while, and when I finally did some digging, I noticed that activesync was CONSTANTLY downloading email. The emails downloaded and total emails numbers were going up together, reaching over 65000 (I usually have less than 300 emails in my inbox) and resetting to zero to start again... indefinitely. I've done a hard reset on both phones, I switched out the Omnia for another identical model phone, I've called verizon, and I've called my Help Desk. Everyone is clueless, especially me!

I have Windows Mobile 6.1
Exchange Server 2003

I've tried
manually reconfiguring server settings
Hard resets
New equipment


Thanks in advance

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  PPCGeeks > Windows Mobile > General Windows Mobile Discussions

email, exchange, omnia, xv6900

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