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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 09-12-2007, 08:28 PM
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Think Sprint will be pissed?


Before I start please don't fill this thread with WILD dramatisations of what could happen in crazy worst case senarios. I am really looking for either facts, or people who do/have done this to provide feedback.

Today I took the ESN number from my Mogul (6800) and wrote it to my LG Fusic (LX550). Now they both have the same ESN number and both work fantastic. Someone calls they both ring, someone texts, they both recieve it, it's awesome. This is very usefull for me because I constantly find myself with conversations that drain my mogul due to their length, I also find myself getting closer and closer to my Mogul dieing by the end of the day. It hasn't happend yet, knock on wood.

My question is, can Sprint even tell I have done this? I do want to leave both phones on all the time, but they will always be on my side, hitting the same towers, and will never be having two different phone convos at the same time. Do you think Sprint will notice this or is it undetectable? Do you think they will care about this? I don't want to find my phone shut off.

Thanks for the time,

p.s. I am not going to go into detail about how to do this, so please don't ask. If you want to do this google 'unicdma' and read some of the forums for the details.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 09-12-2007, 09:21 PM
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My advice

(1) Try Sprintusers.com (even though I hate them, lol) and see if you can track down some sprint techs.

I wouldn't worry about them "tracking you down" as that seems pretty far-fetched, but they're really the only ones who can answer this

(2) Just deny any wrong doing and blame Sprint if they do "catch" you

ps I'm moving this to General Discussion since its not specific to the Titan...
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 09-12-2007, 10:29 PM
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i wonder if it can be done with the musiq as i wanna get this phone as my backup

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 09-12-2007, 10:41 PM
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I can tell you for sure that they will not find out as long as you do not advertise it to them, although i'm not at liberty to say how i know
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 09-12-2007, 10:47 PM
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i just want to clone my mogul to my m610. but I have searched all over the internet till Im blue in the fingers, i have my msl #s and such, just need the procedure on how to change it and what else I need to do on the m610 if anyone can help me please pm me. thanks guys. and not trying to hijack this thread.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 09-12-2007, 11:02 PM
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Also to the OP, please go and read this previous thread here at ppcgeeks, especially Page 2, which has some important info:

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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 09-13-2007, 12:07 AM
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You can't clone the mogul to anything. As of now its nvm is totally locked. As for cloning the other device to the mogul as the OP did, it may or may not be possible depending on whether that phone's ESN can be changed. Even then you may have problems getting data authenticated. Usually searching google for the model number + clone will get you an answer.

As for actually cloning, it's a felony in this country, prohibited by the Wireless Telephone Protection Act of 1998. No one should attempt to clone a phone without being aware of the potential consequences.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 09-13-2007, 03:44 AM
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Interesting. I flashed an old Sanyo 8100 with the same esn/msid of my 700wx tonight. Well it worked but I can not get both of them to ring at the same time. In fact the network picked the last one that joined the network to route the incoming call. If that one was off, it thinks the phone was off as well so answer machine would be used for incoming call. But the funny part is the supposed inactive phone can make outbound call and once that was made, the network routed all incoming call to that one....

I also have some trouble to update vision profile for the cloned phone so no vision yet...

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Old 09-13-2007, 12:55 PM
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is there anyway you can send a screen shot of both phones ringing, I find it hard to believe the HLR would allow 2 esn/mdns on the same network, and how did you flash the Fusic, bitpim?
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 09-13-2007, 02:30 PM
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Only thing that i can think of is with the accounts being converted to a new billing platform. The system might have some problems converting your account which might bring unwanted attention to your account. If your account has already been converted than you may be safe if not who knows it might work fine it might flag your account.
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