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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 08-29-2009, 04:19 PM
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WM is stripped down when it doesn't have to be

I've been thinking about if for a day now, and I have realised that WM as shipped is very neutered OOTB. Space can't be a consideration, as it is completely possible to fit a full Windows 95 installation on only 24 floppy disks. Until WinME, request for a floppy install was possible for each retail purchase, and even windows vista/7 offers CD distribution in leu of a DVD. Considering I can run a bare minimum desktop OS, GUI included), off of a floppy disk, is there a logical reason that crucial tools are omitted from WM distributions?

It would take less then 2MB to include a registry editor, a complete, (not neutered), version of explorer, a keyboard remap tool, a decent task manager, and a space recoverer. Is there a specific reason why MS neuters WM distributions from what they are easily capable with via add-ons that total no more then 2MB in installed size? I mean, if it were compatible with the phone and I could find a way to get it installed, the TP has FAR exceeds the system specifications to run even Windows 2000 Datacenter.

Why does MS seem to purposly neuter WM capabilities? Just to get what should be available OOTB, requires add-ons.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 08-30-2009, 09:47 AM
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Re: WM is stripped down when it doesn't have to be

because windows mobile hasn't truly evolved in 10 years...we are still working with a base that is 10 years old and above! Where technology had those weaknesses I'm afraid
does that mean windows mobile 7 will change this? we do hope considering it is going to be xml based and built from the ground up
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