TP2 only 5 GBP's more than TP1 on Expansys??
Not sure if this really belonged in this forum or not, so if it doesn't, I appologize.
Check this link out: It is the UK site for expansys and they have the TP2 for only 5 GBP's more than the original TP. That was kind of mind boggling, and also the fact that T-Mobile is apparently offering the TP2 for free with contract through the site. Of course there is a catch most likely, like a secondary contract with Expansys that states you will keep the unlimited plan for so long or something of that nature. Then on the USA site link: The original TP is selling for 569.99, and the T-mobile GSM version of the TP2 is going for 719.99. Just general info for anyone that cares |