newer devices vs future devices
I've seen endless threads on tp2 diamond2 pre and other threads on future tegra, snapdragon, etc. devices and the basic question is, is it really worth getting a new device for (at the cheapest with a new 2 year) $200? If Im rocking a touch diamond or you're rocking a tp, is it really worth locking in 2 years with a tp2 when in a few months you could be rocking a tg01 or any other of the "new" line of ppc? The fact that sprint probably won't even have a diamond2 before some of the newer asskicking devices are out is so crazy. don't they know that this phone will be obsolete in a year anyways? Not to mention that by all reports it won't even be WM7 compatible. It just strikes me as kind of weird, you'd think they'd rush these devices fast to every network to actually sell the damn things before the better devices are out. I guess the basic question is, would an upgrade to a tp2 or pre (and im not sure the pre IS an upgrade over a diamond to be honest) even be worth the hassle? I guess if we were all big time ballers like Jim Rome and bought every new phone that came out it wouldn't really matter, but for most of us I'm guessing $300+ for a new phone isn't just throw-away cash. Or are tegra and snapdragon phones so far off that on sprint I won't be able to get one till 2 years from now anyways?
Last edited by orangekid; 07-10-2009 at 10:54 AM.