Latest WM 6.5 build, anyone has a ROM with Shell3?
I searched high and low through the site and cannot beleive i cannot find a thread with discussion on this? I am sure i am just overlooking it - anyone point me to right thread? Anyhow:
As it was confirmed 21234 was the final build of WM6.5. Anyone can enlighten what those 217xx and 218xx builds are? Someone said those are HTC or Samsung WM6.5 numbering system, yet another person said that its our beloved chefs just changing the build numbers in their kitchens as they see fit. Anyways what is the latest WM6.5 build available now(if its even possible to determine)? Also does any chef still makes/updates WM6.5 with Shell3 cooked in? ty all back to my cave now
Current: GS4(2.3Ghz)+TP2(787Mhz),HTC prior Diamond, TP,Wizard.HTC freak since Wallaby '02
Who needs home net?
When you can tether for free?: D
