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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 06-03-2009, 02:47 PM
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Re: Sprint Is Asking Me For Feedback I Need Ur Help!

Heres a list of the things i will be writing about in my email...
  • Bring FREE INCOMING plans back.
  • Allow PDA/SMARTPHONES to be activated without having to put it on an everything plan or a data package. (some people just like bigger screens and keyboards. they dont use the net)
  • Allow activation of like model CDMA type phones from other carriers. example: verizon allows customers to activate a sprint Touch Pro. but not vice versa.
  • Advertise the "Sprint Premier" Customer more. make it more apperent that it exists. It Gives Customers a reason to switch to sprint.
  • Added benefits for being with sprint for more then 2yrs. Example: Reduced prices on services, texting, data, minutes, TEP, etc.
  • Introduce a plan just for texters. not talkers. just texting and picture mail. example less then 450 minutes but still unlimited texting.
  • Product placement is a MUST. Like the tv series "24" throughout the show they show the actors using only sprint devices. in commercials show the latest phones being used by kids in places that they would use the phone. show the value of having a sprint family everything messaging plan.
  • "The Store Front" add more window stickers that appeal to the YOUTH. make them say, "Look at that Mom/Dad!"
  • Any way to reduce the price of the simply everything plan would simple blow the competition out of the water. kinda like the Boost unlimited plan is doing right now.
  • Run more simple promotions that promote more then one phone being bought. like, buy one get one free or buy two at regular price get 2 free INSTANTLY. this will bring more families into the door to let the sales people do their jobs.
  • Send out more flyers to potential customers homes. When i get home im always seeing offers from Alltel and at&t. free phone this reduced price that.
so theres my list of things i will be putting on the table...anything i missed?
HIT THANKS IF I HELPED!!! twitter.com/xxxorion

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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 06-04-2009, 10:45 PM
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Re: Sprint Is Asking Me For Feedback I Need Ur Help!

Bring back the Fair and Flexible plans. I work for the Feds and only get 15% off?? WTH? People who work at places like an addiction recovery get 25%!
Oh, and ive been with Sprint for almost 10 years, so my plan should be free by now eh?

Hell they bend over backwards and bring the vaseline when i call lol (saw my notes once, its kinda funny heh). Example, 2 full discounts in 3 months, AND a FREE Diamond, overnighted, for my wife to replace the InStinked, and we got to keep the InStinked to sell.
Its funny, at least 35 threads a day are people who tried to flash and messed up, or wonder why in the middle of the night their phone up and did a hard reset by 'itself'.
Caller ID Icons!
Hero KB on the Moment!
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 06-04-2009, 10:56 PM
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Re: Sprint Is Asking Me For Feedback I Need Ur Help!

i've been with sprint almost 10 years. i don't think a new customer should get a better deal on a new phone than someone with 10 years under their belt. the way it is now, with a new customer, the sky's the limit. with existing customers, the limit is the sky.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 06-04-2009, 11:47 PM
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Re: Sprint Is Asking Me For Feedback I Need Ur Help!

Tell'em to meet its customers halfway on the additional lines per month. 3rd-5th+ phones equal 19.99/line. I understand that it is due to the texting/internet/etc, but not all members use all of the same services. "Pop's doesn't text, Mom's don't pic mail, Lil' Jenny is telegraphing/texting and reaping the benefits of the pic/web/IM. How about 14.95 for ea additional line. This will change of course as the young generation get old and are aware of these things, like how to text and email and such.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 06-05-2009, 11:14 AM
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Re: Sprint Is Asking Me For Feedback I Need Ur Help!

done deal! thanks for the feed back guys
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 06-05-2009, 01:31 PM
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Re: Sprint Is Asking Me For Feedback I Need Ur Help!

Originally Posted by orionsbuckle View Post
I Just Got This Email From A Co-Worker. Maybe Yall Can Hellp Me.....

my reply to this email basically said that sprint needs to become more "hip" if you can get the kids involved then you can get more sales.

any ideas how to make sprint more HIP? COOL?

and whats your opinion on sprint Price Plans?

thanks for all the help in advanced

Same thing I would tell any of the major wireless carriers: Drop the contracts and go to a flat pricing plan like MetroPCS. I will never darken the doorstep of any of the ripoff major carriers again, I would rather not have a mobile.
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