05-23-2009, 03:58 PM
Big MVP Diesel
Pocket PC: TOUCH PRO 2 Carrier: Sprint
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Join Date: Oct 2008
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Checklist for extended battery life...
Here is a great list of ways to extend your battery life...
Have you...
- Turned off WiFi? (Start>Communications manager)
- Selected GSM over UMTS/3G? (Start>Settings>Phone>Band)
- Turned off incoming beams? (Start>Settings>Connections>Beam)
- Reduced screen brightness? (Start>Settings>System>Screen)
- Reduced screen brightness and sleep timeout? (Start>Settings>System>Power/Screen)
- Made shorter calls?
- Reduced ActiveSync update frequency? (Start>ActiveSync>Menu>Schedule)
- Turned off vibrate notifications? (Start>Settings>Personal>Sounds and Notifications)
- Turned off Bluetooth? (Start>Communications manager)
- Made sure to put your device to sleep immediately after using it? (via the power button)
- Turned off data connections? Being constantly connected to your data connection (either G, E or 3G) increases battery usage even if you are not actually sending or receiving data through it, because it keeps your radio and device active.
- Installed manufacturer updates?
- Plugged your device in for charging as often as you can?