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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 06-14-2009, 01:39 PM
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Re: HTC Overheating Defect > HTCs ANSWER last post

Originally Posted by Biker1 View Post
What won't Sprint cover because it happens to every touch phone?
Plus remember that with a class action law suit, usually the only ones that make money are the lawyers with their enormous fees and the litigants make pennies on the dollar.
I am not looking to make money

nor would I assume most people with this issue

I would simply like to see the problem fixed, option to switch the phone out for a different unit (maybe even let people with old phone plans have a pre in exchange)

or let people leave with out the early termination fees
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 06-14-2009, 02:27 PM
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Re: HTC Overheating Defect > HTCs ANSWER last post

It isn't right but manufacturers have been releasing devices with known bugs for quite awhile and not just HTC.
Sanyo comes to mind. Although Sanyo isn't around anymore.
It appears to be the lesser of 2 evils regarding holding up a device until ALL issues are resolved or releasing the devices with as few issues as possible and coming up with a solution at a later date.
As long as the Manufacturer admits there is an issue and warranties the product and takes care of the customer, all is well.
The Manufacturer should also give the option to the customer to let their carrier repair or replace the device so the issue can be resolved as quickly as possible.
What is NOT RIGHT is for the Manufacturer or Carrier to blame the Customer for the known defect and/or not admitting to a known defect which sometimes is the status quo.
Also what is NOT RIGHT is for the Customer to have to jump through hoops to resolve a known manufacturing issue.
Sprint has been pretty good in resolving the Diamond issues that I have had since purchasing the device in October 2008, but many hours have been spent traveling and in store to resolve these issues which should not have to be.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 06-16-2009, 05:04 PM
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Re: HTC Overheating Defect > HTCs ANSWER last post

ummm, can anyone name a phone that came out and didnt have bugs? winmo has had like 5 upgrades over the yrs, and all fixed bugs and added features.. s60 platform, 5th edition now, fixes bugs everytime and new features. iPhone, their on their 3rd release and have 2 or 3 updates since it came out....

no phone will be perfect, ever.. their made and designed by humans, therefore, they cant be perfect because humans arent perfect.. we'll always find a bug,clitch,error somewhere...especially when were tweaking the hell out of it..

and overheating issues are due to the radio in the pro, feel free to change it.. wont go away but some are better... besides, talking,txting,web surfing, gps, send/recieve schedules, is there a reason you expect it to not get warm from usage???
Sprints new slogan should be " Whether its a Early Upgrade or charges for nothing, We'll be there"
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 06-23-2009, 10:46 PM
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Unhappy Re: HTC Overheating Defect > HTCs ANSWER last post

ahh ****... this just happened to my htc touch pro i can see everything on the phone but the screen wont respond at all... this totally sucks. Im on cricket so i dont have insurance on the pro. i was planning on hanging on to this phone till the pro2 came out but i guess thats it for my pro : [ ... i cant buy another phone till next week... so for now i can only answer and end calls... i cant text back since i have to press send on the screen... unless someone knows a way around that? i wish it had the soft buttons that the apache and mogul had : [ any help for now? also i was wondering if i get a new screen would it fix it?
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 06-23-2009, 11:38 PM
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Re: HTC Overheating Defect > HTCs ANSWER last post

Originally Posted by sinoloco1 View Post
ahh ****... this just happened to my htc touch pro i can see everything on the phone but the screen wont respond at all... this totally sucks. Im on cricket so i dont have insurance on the pro. i was planning on hanging on to this phone till the pro2 came out but i guess thats it for my pro : [ ... i cant buy another phone till next week... so for now i can only answer and end calls... i cant text back since i have to press send on the screen... unless someone knows a way around that? i wish it had the soft buttons that the apache and mogul had : [ any help for now? also i was wondering if i get a new screen would it fix it?
May be a Digitizer issue but I think it is recommended to change the screen and digitizer at the same time.
There are services that sell and do the install for a fee.
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 06-24-2009, 10:33 PM
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Re: HTC Overheating Defect > HTCs ANSWER last post

Originally Posted by boredandtattooed View Post
ummm, can anyone name a phone that came out and didnt have bugs? winmo has had like 5 upgrades over the yrs, and all fixed bugs and added features.. s60 platform, 5th edition now, fixes bugs everytime and new features. iPhone, their on their 3rd release and have 2 or 3 updates since it came out....

no phone will be perfect, ever.. their made and designed by humans, therefore, they cant be perfect because humans arent perfect.. we'll always find a bug,clitch,error somewhere...especially when were tweaking the hell out of it..

and overheating issues are due to the radio in the pro, feel free to change it.. wont go away but some are better... besides, talking,txting,web surfing, gps, send/recieve schedules, is there a reason you expect it to not get warm from usage???
Before spewing all that nonsense, can you tell me the amount of upgrades that sprint have released for our touch pro's? No Os updates and a crappy patch to fix a problem that no one had. The key is that others fix their bugs but HTC just releases another phone with more issues than the last.

I am patiently waiting for a fix for gps lag but that will never happen. This is surely my last. He said that his phone gets nearly too hot to touch. How the hell is that getting warm from usage?

I like my phone after a hard reset but that quickly changes when it starts to lag and this is on multiple roms. I have the rectangle oil slick mark in the center of my screen. I will live with that.

I just pray that the Omnia Pro comes to sprint.
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 06-24-2009, 10:36 PM
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Re: HTC Overheating Defect > HTCs ANSWER last post

this thread is getting hotter than a touch pro!
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 06-24-2009, 11:02 PM
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Re: HTC Overheating Defect > HTCs ANSWER last post

The digitizer separation which is causing the rectangle will most likely get larger and within 2 months will ENGULF MUCH OF YOUR TOUCH SCREEN AND IT WILL CEASE TO EXIST!
In other words, the TOUCH SCREEN will fail to function as happened to me.
I suggest replacing your device before the inevitable happens
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 06-24-2009, 11:42 PM
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Re: HTC Overheating Defect > HTCs ANSWER last post

Originally Posted by Biker1 View Post
The digitizer separation which is causing the rectangle will most likely get larger and within 2 months will ENGULF MUCH OF YOUR TOUCH SCREEN AND IT WILL CEASE TO EXIST!
In other words, the TOUCH SCREEN will fail to function as happened to me.
I suggest replacing your device before the inevitable happens
It's been like that for nearly 4 months now. I'll keep it for as long as I can before changing it for a refurb with more issues that I am having now. Hopefully it doesn't get any bigger.
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 06-25-2009, 01:45 AM
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Re: HTC Overheating Defect > HTCs ANSWER last post

So you guys think if i buy a new screen my phone will work? i just wouldnt want to spend money on it for nothing : [
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