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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2009, 03:59 AM
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Cool How To: Zune Files on Tilt/TP/Diamond, etc.

I don't know if anyone made this thread before, but here's an updated version with the complete instructions. The hotfix always takes me a long time to find, and I think it's what most people need.

If you don't want to buy a Zune, you can still subscribe to the service and play the files on your Windows phone.

Here's how:

1. Make sure Windows Media Player on your pc is updated to 11

2. Install the Windows Mobility Device Center on your pc so you can sync your phone through usb.

3. Connect your phone through usb and make sure Mobile Center says connected.

3. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/931621 YOU MUST download that hotfix if you want to sync to a storage card through your phone, and YOU MUST have your card in your phone to sync Zune files to it otherwise they will not play if you sync them to the card and then put the card in the phone!

4. Open Windows Media Player and Click on Sync, if it shows your Device name twice, then you may want to restart your computer with the phone disconnected. With the hotfix it should show your device name and the storage card name.]

If it still isn't working right, don't bother restarting your pc. Just disconnect the phone a couple times and in Windows Media Player, under the sync button click the little arrow and click refresh devices.

5. Sync away! Not sure how long the Zune DRM lasts before you have to resync your card.. The lame thing is that you have to delete all the songs off the card and resync them to have the DRM reset.

6. Hope that the new versions of windows mobile with have zune software so you wont have to resync ever again! and hopefully you will be able to use a storage card!

I have my Tilt hooked up to my car stereo using the TP headphone/charger adapter (TP is currently at HTC), and it sounds perfect Shuffle mode sucks on the Tilt though, dunno how good it is on the TP.

And, for like $35 on Amazon you can get what like a 32gb card and you have a super zune for only $35 plus w/e the cost of your phone was , but of course if you use a lot of GB you are going to have a long wait time for syncing and resyncing BLAH lol

10 minutes later.. I just realized the Diamond people obviously don't need the hotfix cause they don't have a card slot. Oops. lol.

Last edited by reyderosquillas; 05-15-2009 at 04:08 AM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2009, 12:23 PM
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Re: How To: Zune Files on Tilt/TP/Diamond, etc.


i however i feel its more important for one via Orb since you can stream without taking up the space on your device or worry about syncing
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2009, 12:32 PM
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Re: How To: Zune Files on Tilt/TP/Diamond, etc.

ooh I'll give that a try as well. Thanks. The only thing is when I'm listening to music I'm already using data for GPS. Dunno how crummy that would be
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2009, 12:34 PM
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Re: How To: Zune Files on Tilt/TP/Diamond, etc.

Data is data. unlimited too. i hope i can find a way
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