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Old 05-11-2009, 04:30 PM
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Know of a way to mute a car deck with 3.5mm or USB on HTC?

I have a Touch Pro. I have been searching for a car stereo that will always pass-through aux or bluetooth so that I can listen to a source (CD, Radio, MP3..whatever) and still have GPS directions heard over speakers.

Since I can't find a deck that will do this and I can't find a way to hack it with my current skillset, I'm investigating splitting the input on my amp so that there are two lines in, one for the phone and one for the deck. Now I just need a way to mute the deck when the phone wants to output sound. Any ideas how I can do that? Modules, Auto sence input adapters, sensors, switches, relays? I don't have a mute out as you may find on some dedicated GPS.

Last edited by Mysticle31; 05-11-2009 at 04:41 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2009, 03:40 AM
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Re: Know of a way to mute a car deck with 3.5mm or USB on HTC?

Hmm good luck with that.. I was ecstatic enough when I discovered this:

I used my Tilt wih the TP headphone/charger adapter and hooked it up to the AUX IN on my head unit, and when a call comes in it plays the ringtone and acts as a speakerphone through the speakers and automatically pauses the song on WM!

Of course, it's lame that if you have the phone sitting in a cupholder, no one can hear you talking! lol

Anyway, is your GPS a separate unit or are you using the Touch Pro unit by itself for gps?
Do you want the source to mute whenever the gps talks?

It'd probably be helpful to explain your layout or maybe I'm really tired and am trying to sound smart lol. And also check out car audio forums.

Last edited by reyderosquillas; 05-15-2009 at 04:13 AM.
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