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Old 05-09-2009, 02:36 AM
dino_squirrel's Avatar
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Opera on TP.

This is long, sorry guys. If you read it and point me int he right direction I would REALLY appreciate it.

Ok, I don't get it. It seems everyone has this huge boner over the opera browser and I've tried it, used it, and had it take over the internet explorer on KK eRice rom and I've got to tell you, it's the ****tiest browser I've ever used. I'd rather use netscape navigator on windows 95 then endure another minute with this crappy browser. I'll tell you what I don't like about it to back me up.
The text/layout is too small. It makes everything TINY. You cannot copy/psate easily on it, not like selecting text. you have to go to a sub menu to do that and that is uber gay.

Single tapping seems to do nothing. I have to double tap links.

Browsing by link on the dpad does NOT exist, so now I'm stuck to double tapping tiny links most often selecting the wrong one.

The numbers (in hotmail) that I press on the keyboard for shortcuts do not work at all. On IE they do.

Web pages are re-formated to look like whatever opera wants them to. I can browse a page at home and then on my phone and they don't look the same. Most often the page won't even slightly resemble the original large one.

Full page is just about non existant as you get that stupid little arrow and other bar to cloud your realestate.

There's more I can go on about but I'm not willing to, i just use IE.

Second issues actually.... as I said, I use kk's eRice rom and it's really cool and faster than my stock by far with some great tweaks that appear to be from the diamond, but (if I didn't state above) he's modified IE so that it is just the opera browser with a different icon and slight diff layout.

So here's the REAL issue I'm here for.
I know NOTHING about creating these roms, I don't know what I'm talking about when it comes naming parts of the editing software so I'm laying it down as easily as I can.
I'm looking for a rom that just runs fast, very fast. I don't want ANY of these extra crap programs, I'm not looking for special utilities because if the rom is made right, you won't need them, No? I DON'T want TF3D, its useless, has no real function, just looks good and sells the phone. It just makes my phone slower. I don't want ANY graphics in the OS AT ALL. Just the greay windows layout is fine. I want to be able to run my software fast, if the software has a graphic like a game thats fine, but this refelctive edge crap just chews me up. I hate taping the windows icon and WAITING for it to come up.
Can we just cut out all the crap except hard key functions and make it fast? This isn't an iPhone, stop making it look like one. I bought this phone because it does things; unlike the iphone, can I get an AMEN!?

Question - Is there a program like MSCONFIG for the ppc? I wont to shut down unneccesary programs from the startup.

Observation - If you shut down the "services.exe" on eRice your phone will just JUMP in speed, no ****ing joke, it makes it phenomenally fast. Of course your device will lock the start bar and will stop working right for most functions but if there something in there that is NOT neccesary that can be left out?

I'm very literate on computers but my ppc knowledge is limited. I'm just making suggestions and asking if "this" and "that" exists.

thanks guys.
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