WinMo today background image tinted... Fix!
So for those of you that don't use Manila and use WinMo 6.x and use the today screen, you probably already changed your image, but when you did that you said "wtf, the picture has a gray tint on it! why doesn't it look crisp like it should?!
Calm yourself my young padawan. The fix is here!
So, go to your fancy built in "Pictures and Videos" app. Then find your picture, Then go to Menu and select "Set as Today Background" Then you see it ask for Transparency... set to ZERO! and hit OK!
YAY, no more tint!
Phone: Sprint HTC EVO 3D
ROM: Synergy Nightly with Own Mods
"If you have the stereo on, why would you turn up the volume on the TV?" 'Cause I like to party