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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 03-06-2009, 02:36 AM
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Exclamation Make sure you click the "Thank You" button sigs...

Click the "Thank You" button to insure someone will help you out again

Don't you just love these signatures? People literally begging for thanks on a forum community on the internet so they can feel like they are special or something.

The way I see it, and I've been here for years and still haven't reached the point of VIP (1000 post status), if you are VIP and registered after me, you're just a spammer or have no life and it don't mean **** anyway.

So, for all of you fockers out there that think you're better than everyone else on here because you have a higher rep, post count, or status, go suck a fat one


Just thought I would break it down with some real "down to earth" shiznit
  #2 (permalink)  
Old 03-06-2009, 02:46 AM
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Re: Make sure you click the "Thank You" button sigs...

Oh yeah, and by the way, I'm just making posts so I can hit 1000 and become VIP since I've been such a dedicated member to this forum since the beginning. Even before I used this username. LOL

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Old 03-07-2009, 10:29 PM
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Re: Make sure you click the "Thank You" button sigs...

Originally Posted by jtrag View Post
Click the "Thank You" button to insure someone will help you out again

Don't you just love these signatures? People literally begging for thanks on a forum community on the internet so they can feel like they are special or something.

The way I see it, and I've been here for years and still haven't reached the point of VIP (1000 post status), if you are VIP and registered after me, you're just a spammer or have no life and it don't mean **** anyway.

So, for all of you fockers out there that think you're better than everyone else on here because you have a higher rep, post count, or status, go suck a fat one


Just thought I would break it down with some real "down to earth" shiznit

What's worse is the people that replace statistics with conjecture when testing mods and new hacks

Post-count whoring is pretty common anywhere a forum keeps count. I often wonder about applying the post count idea it to a wiki and channel all that energy towards collecting and managing information instead of ME TOOs.

(Disclaimer: this is a ME TOO post)

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 03-09-2009, 09:04 AM
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Re: Make sure you click the "Thank You" button sigs...

Originally Posted by jtrag View Post
Click the "Thank You" button to insure someone will help you out again

Don't you just love these signatures? People literally begging for thanks on a forum community on the internet so they can feel like they are special or something.

The way I see it, and I've been here for years and still haven't reached the point of VIP (1000 post status), if you are VIP and registered after me, you're just a spammer or have no life and it don't mean **** anyway.

So, for all of you fockers out there that think you're better than everyone else on here because you have a higher rep, post count, or status, go suck a fat one


Just thought I would break it down with some real "down to earth" shiznit
Or people just post helpful topics that other users appreciate and thank them for. Some people even manage threads that lots of people ask questions in. Thanks for bringing down the community.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 03-09-2009, 09:36 AM
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Re: Make sure you click the "Thank You" button sigs...

+1 dann! if you want to be a vip, try EARNING it!
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 03-09-2009, 03:09 PM
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Re: Make sure you click the "Thank You" button sigs...

I would say most of us that are active on this site have jobs and lives outside of this site. When someone takes time out of their day to research/post a response to a question, the decent thing to do is thank them for it. I don't think people are necessarily fishing for thanks, but rather using the thanks count to determine how useful their info was.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 03-09-2009, 03:15 PM
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Re: Make sure you click the "Thank You" button sigs...

I agree, it really bugs me when I see people take time to ask for thanks in a post when they are not providing any useful information.

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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 03-09-2009, 03:15 PM
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Re: Make sure you click the "Thank You" button sigs...

Originally Posted by Geekcop View Post
I would say most of us that are active on this site have jobs and lives outside of this site. When someone takes time out of their day to research/post a response to a question, the decent thing to do is thank them for it. I don't think people are necessarily fishing for thanks, but rather using the thanks count to determine how useful their info was.
big old +1 seems the ones crying are not helping others but starting negative threads instead. make sure you thank me, that was good. lol
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 03-09-2009, 03:33 PM
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Re: Make sure you click the "Thank You" button sigs...

What really was the point of this thread? To down play the VIP's or to go out of your way to insult NOOB's or whomever for asking for thanks????

I understand your frustration about people asking for thanks. I think its ridiculous. Any person that was raised right knows that they should thank you to someone who has been a help to them anyway.

I personally have learned alot from this community and try my best to offer back to it be helping as many people as I can I may not always have the answer, but just recognizing someone's issue says alot. Nobody needs a thank you, but at the end of the day who's it hurting?
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 03-09-2009, 03:38 PM
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Re: Make sure you click the "Thank You" button sigs...

i can't tell if the op is complaining about not being a vip or complaining about people asking for thanks. one of his lines say if your a vip after he joined, you have no life?
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