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Old 02-25-2009, 02:37 AM
agentjonnyb's Avatar
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Weapon flash application for short film project

Okay, so my college film club members and I are leaning toward a short film, probably 5-10 min, nothing huge, but comical and crazy, featuring a few agents armed with cell phone weapons. We have easy methods of generating lighting effects and such, but we need a flash application or something that can look like the interface to a built in high voltage shock weapon. In other words, we need a standalone app with buttons that say stuff like "armed" "stun" "lethal" "maximum", something along those lines, and then when one of those buttons is pressed, a loading bar "charges up", and when the d-pad center button is pressed, the loading bare, depletes, as if the phone just fired off an electric shock, and quickly charges back up.

Am I making sense? Is anyone interested in making this? You will be credited. This would be for a TP. I could do this on my own, but I'll have to learn flash, which I don't have much time to do right now, but if I have to myself I will. This is currently just for a fun little project, though still up in the air, I know it's inevitable we will be doing something like this in the near future at least, if not in the next few weeks.

Thanks for reading this, sorry it's so long and probably a bit confusing!
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