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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 01-24-2009, 02:37 PM
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Real Talk

with some people having legitimate problems with their HTC touch professionals,i thought i'd start this for LEGITIMATE issues(flaking is cosmetic and has no bearing on phone performance). after spending the better part of my morning on the phone with sprints' crack team of experts, they are sending out another pro (4th in 4 months) and i told them to note the account that if a problem arises with the 4th, i want another model or cancelation of services. it seems that after all the tweaks and hacks done to this thing, if you fix one thing another stops working. now i can hear on it really good,have custom icons, tweaked buttons, lightning fast internet, but no sprint tv and music store. they are there but tv plays maybe 15 secs. and goes back to main menu. sprint music always has an error trying to connect. i am running stock. we already know about the battery. i told the sprint person that this was not what i thought this phone is supposed to do. i run a business in the field but 2 or 3 phone calls and some internet and your done battery wise.maybe some of you can share your experiences.thanx.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 01-24-2009, 11:51 PM
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Re: Real Talk

My story is as follows so far:

Bought a new Touch Pro in early December. Had a yellow screen issue on the bottom of the phone. Had it swapped within 2 days for another TP. The current one is fine except the two side buttons stick. I tried to live with it, but each time I press volume down, the slider goes down to zero. To unstick the buttons, I need to use my finger nail and get in under the button to raise it.

So on th 28th day of ownership, I went to the same store, to get it replaced, and they told me they were out of stock. Told me not to worry, since I have TEP, they would simply give me a new phone later when its in stock and to try later.

I went to another Sprint store a week later, and asked for a repair or a new replacement. Also out of stock, but they told me the techs ordered the new phone for me.

Called a week later, no phone, its on backorder, try again in a few days. Called again, still not there.

So now its been at least 50 days of ownership, past the 30 day period.

I found out a bunch of Mogul users got free upgrades using that Sprint online replacement webpage. So I used that page to get my TP replaced.

UPS tracking number is on the way, 1.8 lbs is the weight. All the mogul users are getting new boxes, and all of them say the weight is 3.40 pounds.

If Sprint is sending me a refurb phone, I will be calling *2, and then the consumerist line, because I don't believe this is fair.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 01-24-2009, 11:53 PM
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Re: Real Talk

that's what i was telling you before the other thread got jacked. if on the off chance that you do get a refurb, just call *2 and tell them that you don't want it and you are sending it back. but if you got your replacement thru the sprint store or by calling *2 as i did earlier, you will get another new one. only assurion gives refurbs.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 01-25-2009, 02:31 AM
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Re: Real Talk

I had a strange problem I've not seen anyone else suffer. A few days ago I was using my TP and it was normal as always. Later I went to reply to a text message & I noticed my display was going haywire. At first I thought it was a programming malfunction & I restored the phone 3 times but it didn't go away. I ended up getting a replacement mailed out to me. EPST info says the build date is 11-5-08 & says NO on Refurbishment Status.

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 01-25-2009, 02:46 AM
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Re: Real Talk

If you have cody's personalizer installed on your TP, Sprint Music Store will go through opera but gives you a message that your session has timed out or your trying to access the music store through a different browser than opera, removing personalizer from programs will NOT solve the problem only a hard reset will. Personalizer also cripples Sprint official picture mail but removing from programs does solve that problem. If this helps hit Thanks.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 01-30-2009, 11:35 AM
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Re: Real Talk

I would think that, by this point, people would have known that there are major problems with the TP that affect a wide group of users...

Nothing new here... and I am not surprised that the "Brutally Honest 1st Impression - Epic Fail" thread got shut down... these TP owners defend it to the grave... I have owned WM devices for years, and have done all the tweaking in the world... Mostly, because I HAD to...

Onto specific problems with the TP:
All six of mine had the same problems, with varying intensity:
1) Overheating during call/data usage, which caused--
2) poor battery life...
3) Screen not very sensitive around the borders--not a great idea for WM, if you ask me
4) about 1/3 of my calls ended up in VM without my knowledge.
5) phone had terrible build qualities... ranging from blown/terrible speakers, loose hinges, buttons falling off or not working, or chrome chipping off...

I know that a lot of people eventually got a Pro that works great--maybe even out-of-the-box... but I don't see how people can defend the Pro OVERALL... especially with all these issues...

I pray every night that we get a better product when the Pre is released...
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