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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 06-22-2007, 03:22 AM
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sero credit limit!!!

i have a ? does sero get like 50 doolars for downloads and what is the spending limit i for got to ask them lol and i finaly got sero lol

Sprint Overdrive Pro 4G
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 07-14-2007, 12:26 AM
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Spending limit is only for certain credit conditions. For example, I have a 400 limit on my original sprint line, I will probably have the same on my SERO as well, I have to register to see though. As another example my gf has a 200 dollar limit. There are those that have no limit and dont leave a deposit when opening a line either. Ecare told me that spending limits can be lifted after I beleive 12-18 months of service with no issues such as over spending limit, or shut downs. I know this is an old question, but nobody answered, so there it is.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 07-21-2007, 05:42 AM
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here is a link with a lil info on account spending limit http://support.sprint.com/doc/sp3074...pending_limits

Also I'll share my story regarding the purchase of my mogul.

To start off a few months ago I had sprints "financial services/credit dept" review my account, this was after talking with a sprint cust service rep.. I had asked about adding a line and they told me well you have a 200 spending limit blah blablah.. so she told me I can transfer you there if u like they will review your credit and my increase you spending limit. Quite few years ago when I started with sprint I had to leave a deposit for $125(no biggie got my money back year later) While on fone with credit dept they reviewed it and told me we are going to raise your SSL(Sprint spending limit) to 400 which u can add 3 additional lines if u wish so I was like cool thx. I had never called before to get it high'rd

So this past month called tele sales and I ordered the mogul but prior to that I had asked them If I could put this off on my cell without paying with a credit card and she said no that I had just got my credit reviewed and that they increased my spending limit not to long ago. So I was lil bummed but gave them my credit card #'..everything went fine .. saw that they "charged" my CC but basically they just held the funds for few days and then dropped the charges.. I was like wtf Few days later I still had no charges to my CC and Mogul had arrived.. called sprint and explained to the what was going , they too were clueless .. said they could not see a payment for my cell, so I was like wtf are you talking bout .. how u guys gona ship a cell without taking some sort of payment..rep was lost did not know why my card wasn't not charged and to call back tomorrow(sigh).

After I hung up went to sprint site and to check my account and lo n behold.. what I was told that couldn't be done before... billed the mogul to my account..it was there they put the mogul off on my bill.. but not only that.. my account spending limit had increased too $800 which prior to ordering mogul was $400 .. In the end I was not pissed at all I wanted it like that in the first place.. and hey hey they increased my SSL to $800...or so I thought.. it keeps getting better.. two days ago I called cust service to have them kind of explain to me what actually happened and they still don't know how it ended up on my bill when indeed my SSL was 400 @ the time. Rep was like you know you no longer have an account spending limit..you have been in good standing and a long time sprint customer I was like whoa =D> am not complaining and then just said thanx and she was like, is there anything else I can help you with tonight.. I was like no thanks for everything G night!

It just goes to show things @ sprint are ran a lil weird.. that week that the mogul came out alot of people over @ SU were complaining about order statuses (i think thats how u spell it FF built in spell checker didn't complain) and being double billed. Blah I've typed enough already hah sorry for long post
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