Non-Verizon Wireless Sync
Hi - new to the forum, and I apologize if this is a stupid question...nevertheless...
I've been with VZW last several years and am still using the Treo 700w. I'm completely spoiled by and enamored with the WirelessSync App ("Powered by Intellisync") that VZW supplies. But, it's time for a new phone, and I'm currently leaning towards the Touch Pro/Fuze at Alltel or AT&T. But I'm concerned about losing the wireless sync function. Is there any independent application I can use to mimic this function with Alltel, or AT&T or anything else???
More detail about the setup now: I have no business server (Exchange or Lotus) or anything like that. Outlook 2007 on my personal laptop downloads POP3 email from Yahoo. WirelessSync runs a desktop application on my laptop and a separate client on the 700w and pushes any changes to emails and PIM data(calendar, contacts, tasks, notes) to the phone or vice versa. Is there anything to replace this on a non-Verizon network? Because that is a powerful draw to the VZW despite it's inferior memory and stupid keyboard...
Thanks for any and all input!