Only Laptop Can't Connect To Ppc
I Apologize If Theres A Thread Out There But I Cant Seem To Find It Or Even Know Excactly What To Look Under, If There Is Please Point Me To It And Feel Free To Close This Thread.
Ok, I Can Use Internet Using Wifi, Usb To Any Computer. But For Some Stank Reason When I Use My Laptop, It Shows Its Connected With Excellent Signal, But! When I Launch Ie, It Just Says This Page Cannot Be Displayed As If There Is No Connection There. I'm Using A Wifi Adapter, And Tried Usb On My Laptop, The Same Adapter On My Pc Works As Soon As I Plug It In. Is There Some Things That I Need To Do To My Ppc Or Laptop To Make It Work. Oh, Im Using Wmwifirouter For Connection. The Laptop Is Running Windows Xp. Thanks In Advance.