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Old 09-08-2008, 09:17 PM
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Help with PPC6600 and iGo8

I installed iGo8 on my Sprint PPC-6600 since I only use it as a GPS device now-a-days. That iGo itself runs better on the 6600 than my 6800 since the 6600 has more available RAM... go figure.

Anyway, the problem I'm having is with bluetooth. Occasionally, iGo announces that GPS was lost. I close it down and my bluetooth icon is gone from the 2003SE screen. If I go into settings---comm--bluetooth and try to restart things, I get a window that tells me bluetooth shutdown because of insufficient driver memory available, tells me to soft reset.

From what I have found out, when iGo runs it leaves 4MB available to system and takes the rest when needed. Also, it uses some internal cache for calculations. I havent found much documentation on what to properly use in the sys.txt file, or if it even works in iGo8, the info I have found might be leftover info for iGo6.

Can anyone help me out for making sure the OS has enough memory to keep the bluetooth from crashing, while keeping iGo happy with enough memory?

There is about 75MB of RAM free before I start iGo8, so leaving like 10MB free for the system shouldnt be an issue for iGo.
HTC Sprint Touch Pro 2 - Energy ROM 10/20/10, Android

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