Re: Tower upgrade!
yo ducylowycz where are you located? Sprint has been saying that they were going to put up more towers in my area for the last three years. What I can't stand is that the town I work in with a population of 1000 has EV because there is a Sprint Corporate store here. At home with a population of about 30000, I only get 2 bars at 1X and there are about 4 Sprint stores.
Re: Tower upgrade!
Alltel did the same... A BFE town got EVDO a f'in year before we did. Our pop is around 500k and the BFE is about 15K?? WTF?? But I have been on EVDO for about a year now and don't know what I'd do if I had to go back...
Re: Tower upgrade!
What's your PRL# showing?
Re: Tower upgrade!
Hey your in Marshfield area sweet. Maybe Eau Claire will get it soon I can only hope. We are suppose to get it soon..
Re: Tower upgrade!
Yep, I'm in Stevens Point and get the same thing (started this morning) and noticed that Wausau and Mosinee had it on Sunday. PRL is 60613