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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 07-17-2008, 01:08 AM
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Searching for new verizon ppc, where to turn?

Ok guys, ive been driving myself crazy for the past couple weeks figuring out what to do as far as phones go. My ppc-6700 (apache) is just not satisfying me anymore and it is obviously an old platform that, although proven, has just worn out its stay for me. It is sluggish and I hate having to reflash it all the time just to get decent performance for a little bit, although it isnt too difficult with sync and SD card to reinstall apps from quickly.

However, the bulkiness, terrible battery life, and instability are really troubling me. I am on verizon and I feel like my choices are terrible.

I love the interface and touch screen and I have it customized to my liking as far as contacts, calendar, home screen w/ phone alarm goes.

I am also a pharmacist and am trying to run a reliable drug information program from my phone. Just yesterday I called the makers of LexiComp (the best Rx PDA software) and they told me the only phone that ran their complete software suite very well (p***** their approval) was the new treo 800w. This surprised me but I learned that the phone was ALREADY released for sprint but as usual verizon got shafted EVEN THOUGH its a palm product which verizon seemed to be on top of in the past, but of course when they come out with a really good palm, it goes to sprint first GAH!

So anyway, I use my phone for GPS a lot. I just like the feature to be able to search around where I am for nearby POIs, get basic directions, and find pharmacies addresses/phone numbers when I need to transfer scripts (just an example). With the 6700 i have to use a bluetooth GPS receiver! I don't want to pay for VZ navigator because I don't only use it for navigation and I use it with live search mainly (wayyyy better than GoogleMaps IMO). I would REALLLY like an unlocked GPS which im sure is impossible with verizon but it would be amazing even if hackable that could be used with navizon!

Then I see sprint TV, and I really would love that as well on verizon...

What would you do if you were in my position, wanting a new phone but nothing amazing out right now for verizon?

Currently have 6700
WM5 is what I have been using, WM6 too slow on 6700
REALLY want built-in GPS instead of using bluetooth
Must run pharmacy software but not usually an issue
- I could buy a cheaper alternative to Lexicomp and run it ok
- As long as PPC doesnt slow down during use its fine (need it quick)
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 07-17-2008, 07:06 AM
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Re: Searching for new verizon ppc, where to turn?

Waiting for the new diamond (August I think) would be your best bet I woild think. but if you can't wait either the titan, or touch are your best options. I would probably suggest the touch for the extra ram, but I know the titan is still a good option. All three of these have been discussed extensively here, search is your friend...
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