new phone choice?
Hows everyone? Doing good myself. I am fairly a newby here and to the hobby, but am successful at burning. I have a apache byway of verizon. before finding this site, I was prepared to get rid of the phone. But with this new found achievement, I have rekindled that love affair. The apps make the phone so much more usable day top day. One app I love gives me the option to block callers of unknown origin or people just repeat calling. Anyway, I am at a dilema. One thing that I want badly is gps cappability. after reading through the forums and backlog, I see this phone will not have it short of outside sources. I am liking the new iphone, but will not get that unless it is breakable for other providers. What i need to know is what other phones burnable like the apache, has gps internally. I've read some info. on the titan. but maybe there are some phones on its way to the market I dont know about. I wish the apache had the gps internal. I would have kept this one forever. Just get a couple other phones like it for parts.