How Do I Update/ Install To Windows Mobile 6.1?
I have an HTC Touch and im new at all this phone stuff. I downloaded Windows Mobile 6.1 from Microsoft but there's no changes on my phone. Can someone help me out? Please, I have been looking for awhile how to install but I can't find it.
http://www.microsoft.com/windowsmobi...d=wmhome_WM6_1 |
Re: How Do I Update/ Install To Windows Mobile 6.1?
Not sure what you downloaded from MS, but it will not work. MS gives these updates to the device manufactures for them to upgrade their devices. It is then up to the manufactures & providers to OK the upgrade or not. As of today their is no offical 6.1 ROM for the Vogue. But if you read throught the Vogue Upgrade Forum you can find many unoffical 6.1 ROMS to flash to your device. I would first just read through the forum untill it makes sence, then start flashing. And most of the good stuff is stickied.
'If it ain't broke, don't fix it,' unless you're a tweaker, and in that case you already fixed it ten times and it's still broken. - Dave Mustaine
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